Walk for Life for 2024

Local Missions Opportunity! Partner with Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) in providing support for families in our community facing unplanned pregnancies. Pick up a fundraising form from our Walk for Life info Table in the foyer and register to raise funds at cpcfriends.org/walk to help CPC save more lives, spare more hearts, and spread the gospel here in South Hampton Roads!

Raise funds, SAVE LIVES! King’s Grant Baptist is committed to supporting Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater’s 2024 Walk for LIFE. Our church’s goal is to have 6 Fundraising Walkers – will you help? Pick up a fundraising form on Wednesday night or Sunday and register to raise funds or make a donation CLICK HERE.

We are also partnering with the Bridge Network of Churches in support of their baby car seat project, for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. State law requires NEW car seats, (used ones are not allowed). If you would like to participate, purchase a car seat in a neutral color, suitable for a boy or a girl. Drop it off at the church by Sunday April 14, and we will get the new car seat to the Bridge Network office for you. This will benefit new moms and their babies at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 at 9:30 and 11:00
This gathering will focus on the events of the Sunday before Easter, during that passion week (the triumphal entry).

Service of Remembrance
Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 pm
This gathering will focus on the events of Thursday evening in the life of Jesus, during that passion week (the upper room, the betrayal, the Lord’s supper). We will be meeting in the fellowship hall for this special gathering.

Good Friday Reflection
Friday, March 29 at 12:00 pm
This gathering in the sanctuary will focus on the events of Friday in the life of Jesus, during that passion week (the garden and the cross).
Join us on your lunch break for this brief service in the sanctuary.

Easter Sunday Celebration
Sunday, March 31 at 9:30 and 11:00
This gathering will focus on the events of Sunday in the life of Jesus, during that passion week (the empty tomb with the joyous announcement and celebration).
Our flower cross will be up on Easter Sunday, so please remember to bring your flowers to decorate. The Sunday School and worship schedule is normal.
We hope you’ll join us for these very special worship experiences.
Invite your friends and neighbors!

Noble Man Conference – March 23

This year the conference is in Richmond, VA. We’re leaving the church at 6:30 AM and returning around 6:00 PM. Register on your own, include the lunch option. The event is at Mechanicsville Christian Center, 8061 Shady Grove Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
Use the link below to purchase your group rate ticket.
[ Register for the Richmond Conference, Joining the KGBC Men’s Group ]

Costs: $49 per man for the early bird group rate. Add $12 for the boxed lunch (or bring your own lunch)

Sight and Sound – Daniel

We’re going to see the Sight and Sound Theater presentation of Daniel, on Thursday April 18.

We have reserved 15 tickets, sign up on the bulletin board to reserve your spot.

The church bus is leaving at 6:00 AM to make it to the 3:00 PM show (to be at will call by 2:15 PM).

Cost is $85. To secure your spot, give your money to Elsie Greer by February 28.

Standard double room at the Clarion Inn Strasburg-Lancaster is $93 (pay at checkout, but fully refundable before April 16, so go ahead and do it now).

Godly Stewardship of Life

At the last Family Meeting (on December 3), we discovered that receipts are just keeping up with current expenses, however, when we put this information into context, it paints an interesting picture. If we plan to hire a new lead pastor and a full-time worship pastor (not to mention an office secretary) our current giving level will not sustain these desired positions.

So, your discipleship leadership team (in partnership with the finance committee) encourages you to be a part of a personal Bible study series on the stewardship of your life, which includes these important topics:

1) God’s Ownership Over All
2) Examples of Perfect Giving
3) Stewardship of Our Time
4) Stewardship of Our Bodies
5) Stewardship of Our Talents and Gifts
6) Stewardship of Our Possessions
7) Trusting God with Our Finances
8) Our Accountability to God

These lessons are not going to be taught in your Sunday class (like we did with the ReFocus Series). Rather, this series of lessons is for personal and family use. Perhaps many of our members have never studied in depth the topic of stewardship, which includes being good stewards of our time, talents, and treasure.

These lessons are now available at the church in the Welcome center and in the adult classrooms. We recommend going through one lesson each week (which has plenty of Scripture to read and reflect upon), allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, your convictions, and your spirit regarding worshipful and intentional giving through your local church.