We are created for worship and the Father seeks those who will worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). This is the one thing that must be a part of your core. Without personal and corporate worship, our claim of being Christian academic at best, evidence of cultural Christianity at worst. Let’s not forsake our gathering together, as is the habit of some (Hebrews 10:25).
This WeekendWorship GuideWorship KidstyleOnline WorshipSunday ClassesSmall GroupsMessages on VideoMessages on AudioDirections to KGBCSmall Groups are about sharing life and being connected to a community of faith. If you are not in a small group. you’re not getting the most of what Jesus has in store for you. The Christian life is all about growing in maturity, and that happen best in the context of community. It’s not about walking an aisle, praying a prayer, joining a church, of getting baptized… it’s about growing in the knowledge of the Son of God (Ephesians 4:11-16) and conforming to his image (Romans 8:29).
The Purpose of GroupsYour Next Small GroupGrowth for ChildrenGrowth for TeenagersGrowth for MenGrowth for WomenGuests should start here. Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know until we begin investigating for ourselves. This site helps you connect to Jesus and connect to this local body of believers. We invite you to discover worship, small groups, Christian community, a place to serve, and a cause greater than yourself. While no one is perfect, we strive to grow in the knowledge of Jesus, the Bible, and how to advance the Kingdom of God in this world.
Guests Start HereDigital Connect CardMore to This LifeReasons for GroupsOur Free Mobile AppPrayer Request FormFree E-bookGetting InvolvedWe hope to be a place where you can not only grow in your faith, but exercise you gifts and abilities for the cause of Christ. There are many opportunities to serve God and others, so we hope you’ll take a look at how many people in our congregation give back, volunteer, and make a difference in the world around them.
Pathways to ServingMissions OpportunitiesFarmers Market TeamLYC BBQ TeamAudio-Visual TeamWinter Shelter TeamBuilding & Grounds TeamThe Prayer TeamAll Our Ministry TeamsGuatemala PartnershipVolunteer with ChildrenBLESS Your NeighborsHere are the announcements for the week. See what’s happening and get involved. Meeting new people and invite others to lean in. King’s Grant is really one of the best kept secrets in the city. It is a great place to worship, learn, grow, raise your kids, and get involved. Come grow with us.
Events at Kings GrantAt-a-Glance SignupLife Group QuestionsLocal Christian RadioWorship 24/7 RadioRegular ScheduleUseful LinksNoble Man BreakfastTuesday Bible ClassShepherding The Flock
Life in community is all about making healthy connections. We trust you will lean in a bit to find many other people traveling on this same life journey. We don’t do life alone. We gather for corporate worship and small groups for all ages.
Church CalendarChurch DirectoryDigital Connect CardYour Next StepFind Your Spiritual GiftMeet Your StaffContact Your StaffPrayer Request FormAdults in Bible StudyStudents in Bible StudyChildren in Bible Study