Pastor Candidate Preview Weekend

Block out the weekend of June 8-9 to meet our pastoral candidate! Our Pastor Search Committee will share a few details at the June 2 Family Meeting, one week prior to the big weekend.

On Saturday June 8, we will gather in the sanctuary at 6:00 PM for a time of introduction with questions and answers with our pastoral candidate, followed by a reception at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to participate. 

On Sunday June 9, there will be one worship service at 10:00 AM (with no small groups or classes that day) followed by a special called business meeting to decide about calling this candidate to be our next lead pastor. 

Until then, pray for God’s will to be done in the life of this family and in the life of King’s Grant

The 21 Laws of Discipleship

Discipleship is Messy
What is a Disciple?
What Does a Disciple Look Like?
The Easy Yoke?
The Law of the Mind
The Law of Training
The Law of Worship
The Law of Community
The Law of Habit
The Law of Spirit
The Law of Example
The Law of Effort
The Law of Faith
The Law of Talk
The Law of Pain
The Law of Gospel
The Law of Service
The Law of the Way of Escape
The Law of Commitment
The Law of Time
The Law of Prayer
The Law of Replacement
The Law of Confession
The Law of the Kingdom
The Law of Sovereignty
The Discipleship Method of Jesus

The Crash Course – October 2020

What? Another class offered at the church?

Yep. This one is so important because it’s all about simplicity and clarity. It’s one thing to have a “connection class” for new members and regular attendees, but it is another thing to share information about the church to new comers, and those in the church have no clue what we are teaching! Let’s all get on the same page!

On Saturday October 31, 8am-10am, I’m inviting all church leaders to an abbreviated Crash Course (sort of like a crash course of the Crash Course). By church leaders (so no one will think this is for someone else) I mean if you are a deacon (active or not), Sunday school teacher or a small group leader, a ministry team leader, a committee member, choir member, praise team member… this class is for you. Did I miss anyone?

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