Walk for Life for 2024

Local Missions Opportunity! Partner with Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) in providing support for families in our community facing unplanned pregnancies. Pick up a fundraising form from our Walk for Life info Table in the foyer and register to raise funds at cpcfriends.org/walk to help CPC save more lives, spare more hearts, and spread the gospel here in South Hampton Roads!

Raise funds, SAVE LIVES! King’s Grant Baptist is committed to supporting Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater’s 2024 Walk for LIFE. Our church’s goal is to have 6 Fundraising Walkers – will you help? Pick up a fundraising form on Wednesday night or Sunday and register to raise funds or make a donation CLICK HERE.

We are also partnering with the Bridge Network of Churches in support of their baby car seat project, for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. State law requires NEW car seats, (used ones are not allowed). If you would like to participate, purchase a car seat in a neutral color, suitable for a boy or a girl. Drop it off at the church by Sunday April 14, and we will get the new car seat to the Bridge Network office for you. This will benefit new moms and their babies at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center.

New Class Times and Locations

After your faithful discussions in class, here are the results of the Sunday School class meeting times, and locations.
Our New Schedule began on August 7, 2022

Worship Services:
9:30 – Traditional with choir and hymns.
11:00 – Modern with the worship band leading.

Bible Study Times and Locations:

Early Schedule:
7:45 a.m. – Early Men’s Group: Morning Watch meets in Room 8
8:30 a.m. – Early Adult Bible Study [ Get Information ] (without children’s activities)
Foursquare in Room 1
Spiritual Journey in Room 18/20
9:30 a.m. – Early Worship in the Sanctuary (Traditional with choir and hymns)

Bible Study Then Worship:
9:30 a.m. – Bible Study for ALL AGES [ Get Information ]
Kainos (meaning new) meets in Room 5
Young Adults meet in Room 8
Special Needs meets in Room 13
Crossroads meets in Room 15
Legacy Builders meets in Room 17
Agape meets in Room 18/20
11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship in the Sanctuary (Modern with praise band)

Worship Then Bible Study:
9:30 a.m. – Early Worship in the Sanctuary (Traditional with choir and hymns)
11:00 a.m. – Adult Bible Study Classes [ Get Information ]
Koinonia (meaning fellowship) meets in Room 3
Joy meets in Room 5
Mary and Martha meets in Room 7
Good News meets in Room 10
Special Needs meets in Room 13
Bread of Life meets in Room 15
Bible Study Fellowship meets in Room 17
11:00 a.m. – Worship Kidstyle (for kids K-Grade 3, in Room 201) [ Get Information ]

Additional Information Regarding Classes at 8:30:
1) These classes must understand there are no activities for children, therefore, these classes are for adults without kids at home.
2) These classes must end by 9:20 since another class may be coming to that room for Sunday School at 9:30, not to mention, your class members need to get to the sanctuary on time.
3) These classes do not need to miss out on fellowship opportunities between the services at 10:30 (since they should already be in the sanctuary until 10:30) unless they choose to head to the parking lot right after the service.

COVID Update Nov 2020

What is continuing? Kings Grant Baptist Church will continue to worship. Sunday morning worship service schedules remain the same. Childcare for preschool and children remain the same. Small group Bible Studies continue to meet onsite and online. 
What is not happening? Due to the rise in health concerns, all (on site) small group fellowships (such as Christmas parties) are discontinued for this year. This includes any onsite fellowships for Sunday classes, Parking Lot Parables and aged ministries (student and children) during the week. This will support increased measures of safety onsite for our ministry programs. 
An Opportunity for fellowship: All usual Christmas fellowships will be consolidated into a church wide fellowship: Campfire Christmas (an outdoor venue planned for Friday, December 11). This will offer an engaging time of Celebration for all ages as we gather for meaningful community and worship.  All Covid-19 Requirements will be met for houses of worship.  

Cheerfully in Christ,
Your KGBC Ministry Team