The Joy Club, those age 55+, are getting together on Friday the 13th for the Sight and Sound DVD presentation of SAMSON. Bring your potluck dinner at 5pm, we’ll eat around 5:15, and the play will begin between 5:30 and 5:45. Sign up using the list on the bulletin board.
Summer Calendar Event Change! Our updated summer calendar includes one notable difference: we have switched out our night at the Rock Gym on July 21st for Surge Adventure Park. All of our other summer calendar events will move forward as scheduled!
In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, we are sending VBS home to you!
This summer, kids will enjoy a fun-filled week, complete with opening rally antics, music and movements, and amazing Bible stories – all from the comfort and safety of your own home!
Each day, kids will get to see some of our favorite familiar faces, including our beloved Jelly and Bandit!
Families who register by July 8 will receive a special VBS Field Kit complete with this year’s music CD, teaching aids, supplies, themed snack ideas, and more!
The VBS Field kit will be available for drive through pick up at KGBC on July 9 from 9:00am – 6:00 pm. Jelly, Bandit, and friends will be there to welcome all who come out between 9:00-11:00 am or 4:00-6:00 pm. Field kits will also be available Monday, July 12 – Friday, July 16 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Welcome Center.
Once you have completed your child’s registration, you will receive an email confirmation. We will continue to send important updates to you about our Virtual VBS through your registered email!
FINE ARTS CAMP 2021 – RISING 4th-12th GRADERS An annual tradition on the Little Neck Peninsula
Instruction will center on the theme for this year Classes will include offerings in visual arts, music, and drama Students who are rising 4th grade thru 12th grade are eligible Cost: $85 includes all materials and instruction for 12 classes (3 classes per day) Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 28th at noon For additional information and registration: Contact King’s Grant Baptist Church – 340-0902 [ Registration Form ]
JUNIOR FINE ARTS CAMP 2021 for YOUNGER KIDS (Designed Especially for Rising 1st – Rising 3rd Graders)
Instruction will center on the theme for this year Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama Children who are rising 1st – rising 3rd grades are eligible Cost: $45 includes all materials and instruction Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 28th at noon For additional information and registration: Contact Kings Grant Baptist Church – 340-0902 Six 30-minute periods per day will include a variety of art activities such as: art, music, creative movement, Lego Creations (directed creativity) [ Registration Form ]
Hey Guys, the next Noble Man breakfast is Saturday April 17, and the lesson for the morning will be facilitated by Pastor Ken. In this series called, No More Excuses,” Tony Evans will talk about “No More Weak Leadership.” Men, we are called to set the pace and to be an example in your families, so what is this all about? Find out on April 17.
We’ll eat at 8am, watch the Tony Evans teaching video, then have a discussion on what we heard… we’ll be out the door by 9:30. If you have not already done so, take time to join the Noble Man Group ( so you can keep up with events, dates, and resources I share to help you become the man of God he designed you to be.
While we don’t anticipate the crowds we have had in the past, we will continue social distancing, encouraging masks, and sanitizing between services. We have special music, caroling, communion, and a Christmas message from Pastor Scott. Overflow rooms are available if the need arises.
We have also prepared an online Christmas message that will be available all day on December 24, so you can experience this time of worship and inspiration with your family in your home, or share the link with friends and other family members living outside of your home [ ].