Christmas Eve 2020

While we don’t anticipate the crowds we have had in the past, we will continue social distancing, encouraging masks, and sanitizing between services. We have special music, caroling, communion, and a Christmas message from Pastor Scott. Overflow rooms are available if the need arises.

We have also prepared an online Christmas message that will be available all day on December 24, so you can experience this time of worship and inspiration with your family in your home, or share the link with friends and other family members living outside of your home [ ].

Family Ministry Advent Bags

“Go, tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born!”

 Yes, it’s time. We all know that Advent is a season of remembrance but more importantly it’s a time to prepare Him room and to orient our hearts, homes and minds to the ungraspable magnitude and true meaning of Christmas. 

Family Advent Bags will be available after each service starting this Sunday!

And, if you have reserved (email me today) your copy of the She Reads Truth/He Reads Truth Advent 2020 those will be available as well! 

Digital copies are available to purchase at She Reads Truth Advent 2020.

If you would like to make special arrangements to pick up any of our Advent 2020 offerings please let Amy know.

Campfire Christmas Dec 11

Come and bring your lawn chair and blankets to our Campfire Christmas. 
It will be a fun and safe way for our church family to gather outside and have good worship, fellowship, food, and fun. Remember if you have a fire pit that we could use for that night, please contact Kinnie at the church.

We’ll have hot dessert (possibly in the form of Klassic Doughnuts), mulled cider, or hot chocolate, family pictures and more. We’ll also have some of our talented people bring their talents to the stage. The night will conclude with a special devotion from our pastor about the holidays. We’d love for you to be a part of this special family friendly churchwide event.