Category: Women
Ignite Hope Conference Thalia

Luke in the Land

Please take a look at some videos for our upcoming study.
September 03 – Gathering and luncheon
September 10 – Introduction to Luke
September 17 – Incarnation
September 24 – Inauguration
October 01 – Invitation
October 08 – Partnership
October 15 – Crucifixion
October 22 – Resurrection
October 29 – Evaluation: Luncheon/Dinner
Tuesday Ladies Class – John

Session Two: June 11
Session Three: June 18
Break For Kids Week 6/24
Session Four: July 2
Session Five: July 9
Session Six July 16
Session Seven July 23
Luncheon July 30
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A Study in Romans
Our next Tuesday Ladies’ Bible Class study will be Romans by Melissa Spoelstra. The new study will last eight weeks, beginning with an Introduction on April 9 and ending with Continue Reading →
Walk for Life for 2024

Raise funds, SAVE LIVES! King’s Grant Baptist is committed to supporting Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater’s 2024 Walk for LIFE. Our church’s goal is to have 6 Fundraising Walkers – will you help? Pick up a fundraising form on Wednesday night or Sunday and register to raise funds or make a donation CLICK HERE.
We are also partnering with the Bridge Network of Churches in support of their baby car seat project, for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. State law requires NEW car seats, (used ones are not allowed). If you would like to participate, purchase a car seat in a neutral color, suitable for a boy or a girl. Drop it off at the church by Sunday April 14, and we will get the new car seat to the Bridge Network office for you. This will benefit new moms and their babies at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Women’s Study on Hebrews 2024

Fresh Grounded Faith Conference

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Forgiving What You Can’t Forget

· How does it work? On our minds, souls, circumstances—what’s actually happening when we forgive?
· Why is it so important, and what’s the difference between forgiveness and simply moving on?
· When should I forgive, and are their exceptions?
· How can I find healing for myself, even if my act of forgiveness doesn’t seem to change the person who hurt me?
October 31 Introduction and Week 1
November 07 Week 2
November 14 Week 3
November 28 Week 4
December 05 Week 5
December 12 Week 6
December 19 Evaluation and Christmas Fellowship
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