The 21 Laws of Discipleship

Discipleship is Messy
What is a Disciple?
What Does a Disciple Look Like?
The Easy Yoke?
The Law of the Mind
The Law of Training
The Law of Worship
The Law of Community
The Law of Habit
The Law of Spirit
The Law of Example
The Law of Effort
The Law of Faith
The Law of Talk
The Law of Pain
The Law of Gospel
The Law of Service
The Law of the Way of Escape
The Law of Commitment
The Law of Time
The Law of Prayer
The Law of Replacement
The Law of Confession
The Law of the Kingdom
The Law of Sovereignty
The Discipleship Method of Jesus

Life Groups at KGBC

Life Groups meet on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm (beginning September 14).
Come discover what real life and community is all about.

Those people who are in the company of the committed participate in church activities more than those on the fringe, occasional Sunday attendees, or 1-2 times a month “drive-by” attendees, so how can we get people more connected to each other?

Most of us hear several “truth units” each week but seldom have the opportunity to wrestle with the text, much less apply it. Spiritual growth happens in community. With so much biblical knowledge available, we need to learn how to apply the knowledge to effectively carry out our divine mission.

“We have Sunday School,” you may say. Sunday morning Bible study is great for knowledge but how often do we walk away from our lessons having discussed how to apply the text, and hold each other accountable for it?

Sermon-based small groups have several advantages over using regular curriculum, here are seven of the most powerful advantages:
They Increase the Educational Impact
They Pull in the Marginally Interested
They Reach More People
They Sharpen the Church-Wide Vision
They Mainstream New Believers
They Eliminate Idiot Questions
They Help with Leadership Recruitment *

Implications for King’s Grant:
We must learn how to discuss, wrestle, and apply the spiritual truth we encounter each Sunday.
In our traditional format of discipleship, we share lessons, we don’t share life.
It has been said that the American church is educated far beyond our obedience.

Why LIFE Groups?
Life is what we desire to share, as we experience authentic community. This is what our Life Group Initiative is all about:
LOVING – they will know we are Christians by our love… the song goes.
INVITING – we desire to build a culture of invitation, that people can belong here long before they become members.
FELLOWSHIPPING – the word is koinonia, sharing of a common life, much more than the church potluck supper.
EQUIPPING – we desire to build an equipping culture, for those who are the church to be. Trained in leadership and ministry to carry out the vision and mission of the church.

* These Advantages are adapted from Larry Osborne’s Small-Groups Starter Kit, copyright 2008 by North Coast Church; discovered in a article from Christianity Today.

Wednesday Life Group

We have a lot of Wednesday night regulars familiar with Life Groups; here is what to expect…

Our pastor preaches a powerful message each Sunday,
so we want to get the most out of it by discussing and applying what we experienced.
The latest message can be found here.

You can easily join a sermon-based life group by signing up.
Simply CLICK HERE and ask to join one of our two groups that are beginning in January 2025.

Sermon Discussion Group 15 is facilitated by Scott Chafee and Dave Watson, meeting in Room 15

Sermon Discussion Group 17 is facilitated by Vicki Bohannon, meeting in Room 17.

This Week at King’s Grant

Due to the national health emergency, we are amending our regular schedule of activities. Sunday and Wednesday activities have been cancelled until further notice. While the church office is “closed,” your ministerial and administrative staff is working on campus and at home. All regular groups and meetings are also cancelled until further notice (King’s Stitchers, the sign language class, the Pure Desire group, Tuesday Ladies’ Bible Class, the Wednesday morning ladies, the garden club, and the Thursday beading group).

Here at King’s Grant

Beginning Monday March 9
King’s Stitchers – 1pm
Little Neck Churches Community Blood Drive – 1:00-7:00pm
Deacons’ Meeting – 7pm
Pure Desire Group – 7pm
Ladies Bible Class – 9:15am and 6:45pm
Senior Ladies – 10am
Midweek Cafe – 5:15pm
Kids Ministry – 6:15pm
Student Ministry 6:15pm
Adult Groups – 6:15pm
Choir Rehearsal – 7:15pm
Worship – 8:30 & 11am
Bible Study – 9:45am
Guest Engagement Training – After each morning service