January Bible Study 2024 – Acts

This is part three of Ken’s January Bible Study on Desiring More, the journey toward personal holiness, taught on January 27, 2019.
This is Pastor Ken’s second lesson in the series Desiring More, the journey toward personal holiness, from January 16, 2019.
This is the first lesson in the January Bible Study 2019 about our journey toward personal holiness, by our lead pastor, Ken Pruitt.
Midweek Cafe and January Bible Study return on Wednesday January 9. Midweek Cafe at 5:00-6:00 January Bible Study in the Sanctuary at 6:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 January 27 Continue Reading →
Ken kicks off the January Bible Study TONIGHT (January 10). Meet in the sanctuary and we can get started promptly at 6:15. Session One: From Consecration to Calling The First Continue Reading →