VBS 2021


In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, we are sending VBS home to you! 

This summer, kids will enjoy a fun-filled week, complete with opening rally antics, music and movements, and amazing Bible stories – all from the comfort and safety of your own home!

 Each day, kids will get to see some of our favorite familiar faces, including our beloved Jelly and Bandit!

Families who register by July 8 will receive a special VBS Field Kit complete with this year’s music CD, teaching aids, supplies, themed snack ideas, and more! 

The VBS Field kit will be available for drive through pick up at KGBC on July 9 from 9:00am – 6:00 pm.  Jelly, Bandit, and friends will be there to welcome all who come out between 9:00-11:00 am or 4:00-6:00 pm.  Field kits will also be available Monday, July 12 – Friday, July 16 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Welcome Center. 

Once you have completed your child’s registration, you will receive an email confirmation. We will continue to send important updates to you about our Virtual VBS through your registered email!

CLICK HERE to register your child today (ages 4 yrs – 6th grade).   

Fine Arts Camp 2021

An annual tradition on the Little Neck Peninsula

Instruction will center on the theme for this year

Classes will include offerings in visual arts, music, and drama

Students who are rising 4th grade thru 12th grade are eligible

Cost: $85 includes all materials and instruction for 12 classes (3 classes per day)

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 28th at noon

For additional information and registration: Contact King’s Grant Baptist Church – 340-0902

Registration Forms will be Available soon

(Designed Especially for Rising 1st – Rising 3rd Graders)

Instruction will center on the theme for this year

Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama

Children who are rising 1st – rising 3rd grades are eligible

Cost: $45 includes all materials and instruction

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 28th at noon

For additional information and registration: Contact Kings Grant Baptist Church – 340-0902

Six 30-minute periods per day will include a variety of art activities such as: art, music, creative movement, Lego Creations (directed creativity)

Family Ministry Advent Bags

“Go, tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born!”

 Yes, it’s time. We all know that Advent is a season of remembrance but more importantly it’s a time to prepare Him room and to orient our hearts, homes and minds to the ungraspable magnitude and true meaning of Christmas. 

Family Advent Bags will be available after each service starting this Sunday!

And, if you have reserved (email me today) your copy of the She Reads Truth/He Reads Truth Advent 2020 those will be available as well! 

Digital copies are available to purchase at She Reads Truth Advent 2020.

If you would like to make special arrangements to pick up any of our Advent 2020 offerings please let Amy know.