Join us after church Sunday, January 26th for a fun afternoon of fellowship and fun! Lunch will be served in Harvest Hall then we will jump on the church bus and head to Latitude Climbing at Town Center.
Preschoolers, Children, and Students will be promoted to their new grades on Sunday September 8 at 9:30. It’s a time for celebration, meeting new friends and teachers, or just getting back to our regular schedule after a long hot summer! Let’s get back to church on September 8.
Instruction will center on the theme for this year THEME: Tell of His Wonderful Deeds – Psalm 96:3 Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama plus a new focus on God-centered cooking Students who are rising 4th grade thru 12th grade are eligible Cost: $100 includes all materials and instruction for 12 classes (3 classes per day) Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 31 at noon For additional information and registration: Contact Belinda – 757-340-0902 or use our Contact Form (choose Belinda)
JUNIOR FINE ARTS CAMP 2024 for YOUNGER KIDS (Designed Especially for Rising 1st – Rising 3rd Graders) [ Registration Form for Jr. FAC ]
Instruction will center on the theme for this year THEME: Tell of His Wonderful Deeds – Psalm 96:3 Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama Children who are rising 1st – rising 3rd grades are eligible Cost: $50 includes all materials and instruction Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 31 at noon For additional information and registration: Contact Belinda – 757-340-0902 or use our Contact Form (choose Belinda) Six 30-minute periods per day will include a variety of art activities such as: art, music, creative movement, Lego Creations (directed creativity)
Local Missions Opportunity! Partner with Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) in providing support for families in our community facing unplanned pregnancies. Pick up a fundraising form from our Walk for Life info Table in the foyer and register to raise funds at to help CPC save more lives, spare more hearts, and spread the gospel here in South Hampton Roads!
Raise funds, SAVE LIVES! King’s Grant Baptist is committed to supporting Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater’s 2024 Walk for LIFE. Our church’s goal is to have 6 Fundraising Walkers – will you help? Pick up a fundraising form on Wednesday night or Sunday and register to raise funds or make a donation CLICK HERE.
We are also partnering with the Bridge Network of Churches in support of their baby car seat project, for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. State law requires NEW car seats, (used ones are not allowed). If you would like to participate, purchase a car seat in a neutral color, suitable for a boy or a girl. Drop it off at the church by Sunday April 14, and we will get the new car seat to the Bridge Network office for you. This will benefit new moms and their babies at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center.
We are ready and excited to welcome your children to Kids’ Week VBS 2024. June 24-28 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 4 Years – 6th Grade [ REGISTER TODAY ] Kids will enjoy Continue Reading →