RELATIVE! – Three Key Relationships
(Jesus teaches His disciples about their relationships with Himself, with each other, and with the world.)
John 15:1-27
- The BRANCHES – WE MUST ABIDE – John 15:1-8 – the believer relates to the Son
- The Symbols – John 15:1, 5a-5b
- The Son is the True Vine
- The Father is the Gardener
- The believers are the branches
- The Steps – John 15:2-4, 5c-6
- We must submit to pruning by the Father
- He challenges the branch – takes away
- He cleanses the branch – he prunes
- We must abide in the Son
- The branch attached to the Vine
- The branch abiding in the Vine
- The branch available to the Vine
- We must submit to pruning by the Father
- The Success – John 15:7-8
- The fruit we bear
- Sanctification – we become like Jesus
- Spirituality – we behave like Jesus
- Souls – we are burdened for people like Jesus
- The results we experience
- An unhindered prayer life
- Glorifying of the Father
- Proof we are his disciples
- The fruit we bear
- The Symbols – John 15:1, 5a-5b
- The BELIEVER – WE MUST OBEY – John 15:9-17 – the believer relates to others
- The Priority – John 15:9-12
- The Father loves the Son
- The Son loves the believers
- The believer is commanded to love
- The Proof – John 15:13-15
- What Jesus will do for the believer – die for us
- What Jesus has done for the believer – friends, not servants
- The Promises – John 15:16-17
- He chose us
- Branches will bear permanent fruit that will remain
- Prayer will be answered
- The Priority – John 15:9-12
- The BATTLE – WE MUST ENDURE – John 15:18-27 – the believer relates to the world
- Life will be hard – John 15:18-21 – those who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12)
- Love has come – John 15:22-25 – the world hated Jesus so we will be hated for the same reason
- Leaving a Helper – John 15:26-27 – three things will happen
- Truth – the Spirit of truth
- Testifying – Spirit testifies of the Son
- Testimony – those who know him will testify to Jesus as well
Questions for Further Study:
- What are the marks of a true friendship?
- What do you do to maintain your friendships?
- How are Jesus and the Father related? (15:1)
- What is Jesus and who is the Father? (15:1)
- How does the gardener tend to the branches that bear fruit and the branches that do not? (15:2)
- What did Jesus say the branches must do in order to bear fruit? (15:4)
- Who are the branches? (15:5)
- What did Jesus say would happen to the branches that did not remain in Him? (15:6)
- What privilege was given to the branches that remained in the vine? (15:7)
- What would be demonstrated by the disciples’ bearing much fruit? (15:8)
- What did Jesus urge His disciples to do? (15:9)
- How were Jesus’ disciples to remain in His love? (15:10)
- Why did Jesus talk with His disciples about vines and branches? (15:11)
- What command did Jesus give His disciples? (15:12)
- What is the greatest manifestation of love? (15:13)
- Who did Jesus say were His friends? (15:14)
- Why did Jesus call His disciples friends? (15:15)
- Why did Jesus choose His disciples? (15:16)
- What was Jesus’ command? (15:17)
- How are we to remain in Jesus? Why?
- What does it mean to bear fruit as a Christian?
- How are we to bear fruit?
- When is it difficult to develop and maintain a personal relationship with Jesus?
- In what way has God been removing “dead” or useless pieces from your character?
- In what way is your joy complete?
- When do you struggle with loving others the way Jesus has loved you?
- What kind of friend are you to Jesus?
- Why is it hard to be Jesus’ friend?
- What steps can you take to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ?
- How can you be a better friend to Jesus beginning today?