Schedule at a Glance
9:30 – 10:00 am — Registration (McDowell Columns Building)
10:00 am — Morning Session
11:15 am – 12: 15 pm — Breakout Sessions (Listed Below)
Fun with Fitness: Learn ways to make exercise part of your daily routine. Light physical activity will be involved. Jason Jenkins & Lisa Lane, Vidant Wellness Coaches
Grandparents Guide to Raising a Generous Family: Materialism, greed, and self-centeredness describe much of our current culture. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk with our loved ones about “stuff” and money. Learn creative and practical ideas of how you can help create a culture of generosity in your own family. Rev. Daryl Trexler, Eastern Area Manager, North Carolina Baptist Foundation
How to Keep Your Head When All about You Are Losing Theirs: Hints on Finding Joy in Caring for Someone with Dementia. Jean M. Matthews, MSN, RN, Nurse Supervisor, Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, ECU-College of Nursing
Is Your Medicare Card Scam Proof? $68 billion was lost last year to Medicare fraud nationally. The role of Senior Medicare Patrol is to empower Medicare beneficiaries to prevent healthcare fraud through education, outreach and counseling endeavors. Learn how you can protect yourself. Lisa J. Barker, Northeast Regional Manager, SHIPP (Senior Health Insurance Program) Manager – Northeast
Plug IT IN, Technology Solutions for Aging in Place: Find out how to define “technology” and see how introducing existing and emerging technologies can be adopted by caregivers and older adults. See how technologies can benefit people in their daily lives and encourage continued independence. January Brown, Family Caregiver Specialist, Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging
Share the Well: Uncover the ways to serve God wherever you are. Mari E. Wiles, Minister to the University and Amber Simpson, Associate Minister to the University, Chowan University.
Your Obit: Leave ‘Em Laughing: Curious? Join this creative writing session to craft a one-of-a-kind last word. Ken Wolfskill, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Chowan University
12:30 pm — Lunch and Afternoon Session (Thomas Dining Hall)
2:30 pm — SeniorFest Concludes