Here are the topics for the 5 sessions:
February 18
1) To examine how God uses times of tribulation to draw us to a closer relationship with Himself.
March 18
2) To learn what it takes to be ready to be used by God at all times by looking at the life of Joseph.
May 20
3) To stand strong in the fight against sexual temptation (or any temptation, really) in order to honor God with our bodies and our lives.
June 17
4) To forgive others as God forgives us, relying on the Holy Spirit to help us reconcile ourselves to those who may have wronged us.
July 15
5) To understand that God allows things to happen to us through which He works together to accomplish His ultimate plan.
This is the second man in the Real Men series, taught by Rick Burgess, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and founder of Burgess Ministries and The Man Church discipleship strategy.