Jesus Argues Against the Traps of Religion / John 8:12-59
(4 Ways to know the Difference between Religion and a Relationship with Jesus…)
- Religion: obligation; Relationship: encounter.
- Do you follow Jesus out of obligation or habit rather than because you have had an encounter with the living God?
- Do you believe what others have said about Jesus rather than discovering Jesus through his Word?
- Religion: association; Relationship: change.
- Are you a part of the church because of the relationships here, or because your family is connected to the church rather than being here due to an encounter with Jesus producing a changed mind and heart and habits?
- Are you happy and content with personal preferences at church or open to change than might bring in new people and expressions of worship?
- Religion: claims; Relationship: devotion.
- Do you make claims over the church rather than recognize that the church belongs to Christ?
- Are you able to express your devotion to Jesus in all circumstances and methods without making claims and objections that uphold personal preferences in worship?
- Religion: institutionalism; Relationship: Christ-centered.
- Is your focus really on Christ and his mission at church or do earthly methods prevent you from encountering and enjoying the worship of God and the fellowship of other believers?
- Have you embraced the institution of the church tighter than the Lord over the church?
- In what ways have you sought to build your own kingdom rather than allowing Christ to build his kingdom here at King’s Grant?
Questions for Further Discussion:
- To what sort of things do people today become enslaved?
- What does it mean to you to be free? What doesn’t it mean?
- What did Jesus say to the Jews who had believed in Him? (John 8:31)
- What did Jesus say the truth would do for those who knew it? (John 8:32)
- How did the Jews respond to Jesus’ statement about freedom? (John 8:33)
- Who did Jesus say is a slave to sin? (John 8:34)
- How does Jesus distinguish a slave from a son? (John 8:35)
- What is the result of being freed by the Son? (John 8:36)
- What did Jesus say the Jews were ready to do? (John 8:37)
- Who did the Jews say was their father? (John 8:39)
- In what way were the Jews mistaken about Abraham? (John 8:39)
- What did Abraham not do? (John 8:40)
- What claim did Jesus’ accusers make? (John 8:41)
- Of what did the Jews accuse Jesus? (John 8:48)
- How did Jesus respond to the accusation against Him? (John 8:49)
- What did Jesus say He wasn’t seeking? (John 8:50)
- What did Jesus say would be the result of keeping His word? (John 8:51)
- How did the Jews respond to Jesus’ claim? (John 8:52)
- What question did the Jews ask Jesus? (John 8:53)
- Who glorifies Jesus? (John 8:54)
- Whom did Jesus claim to know? (John 8:55)
- What made Abraham rejoice? (John 8:56)
- Why were the Jews so astonished by what Jesus said? (John 8:57)
- Before whom did Jesus claim He had existed? (John 8:58)
- What did the Jews attempt to do to Jesus? Why? (John 8:58-59)
- How are you like your mother or father?
- To what sin are you a slave?
- From what sin have you been set free?
- How does truth set someone free?
- How has the Son set you free?
- In what way are we like God our Father?
- When do we act like illegitimate children?
- How can you better enjoy your freedom in the Son?
- How do you usually respond to things you don’t understand or can’t explain?
- How do you respond to situations that you can’t control?
- How do you respond when your authority is being challenged?
- To what authorities in life do you appeal for truth?
- Whose glory do you seek?
- How can you honor God with your life?
- How does a person keep Jesus’ word?
- How well do you keep Jesus’ word?
- How do you know that you know God?
- From what enslaving sin will you ask God to set you free?
- What action will you take in order to act more like a child of God?
- What is one way that you can honor God with your life today?
- How can you seek God’s glory rather than your own in your work this week?
- What do you need to do in order to keep Jesus’ word?