Farmers’ Market – Food Drive – June 16


On Thursday June 16th the King’s Grant Farmers Market will hold our annual “Food Drive” for our friends at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center. (

Each day in our community people will go hungry. They shouldn’t have to. The JCOC is here for everyone, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! As a community we ask that we all come together once again and BEAT last years weight of over 1,000 pounds of food!!! I know we can do it!

Here is a list of items they need:
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
Canned Meats
Canned Meals
Pasta and Pasta Sauce
Canned Beans
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Bottled Water/Juice Boxes
Any NON perishables would be greatly appreciated!!
If it rains we will hold it on the next Farm Market date of July 7th

Farmers’ Market 2021

We hope to see you again in 2021, the Market begins on Thursday May 6, operating each first and third Thursday, May through September 2021. Check Facebook for Market information – King’s Grant Farmers Market

This is one of the many ways we can support the local farm market community during this time. Our Farmers’ Market at King’s Grant is simply to show our love for our community.

As a reminder, King’s Grant Baptist Church receives no proceeds whatsoever from any of the Farmers’ Market events. This market is a gift from us to our community.

Mission Statement: To promote a multi-generational community that supports local farmers, encourages sustainable living, and creates vibrant community gatherings.