On Sunday May 1, guest preacher Eddie Heath delivered a message from 1 Samuel 16:1-12 about the selection of David as the next king of Israel.
Application to King’s Grant comes from the fact that we are currently in search of a new senior pastor, and while we tend to notice all of the external features of a candidate (title, degrees, experience, age, gender, etc.) the person that God may be preparing for us just might come from the most unlikely of places.
We all have a picture of what our next pastor should look like, but he or she may be like David, out tending the sheep, faithfully doing that which God has called him or her to do, and we must let go of our own agendas and preconceived pictures of who the next pastor will be, and let God (through the search committee) reveal who that person will be.
There was no video recording this week, but here is the audio of the message. [ audio message – May 1, 2016 ] Please be patient, it is a 20MB file.
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