From Pastor Ken
Jesus’ words, “He who believes in Me, from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38), represent a beautiful invitation to lay aside doubt and fear, and to come to Him for forgiveness, cleansing, and renewal…to come to Him for LIFE! Do you trust in Him to the point that His life flows liberally from you. Sometimes, negative emotions, frustrations, and expressions of a sinful heart seem to flow more readily. But, the more that you trust Him and the more that you cling to Him daily, the more His life flows from within you like rivers of water… living water that spiritually satisfies your deepest longings, cares, and needs.
Today, remember why you can trust Him with absolute abandon to your own fears and doubts. Today,remember a very fundamental and inarguable truth: Jesus cares! He truly cares, and desires that you come to Him to lay your cares down. He carried the cross, and He will carry you.
From the truth of John 7, fast forward to John 19, where we encounter the words of Christ from the cross.
I really want you to get this! Jesus spoke from the cross to Mary, His earthly mother, words of care and comfort as He placed her well being into the provisional and protective hands of His beloved disciple, John. There is something significantly moving in the fact that Jesus, in the agony of the cross, with the salvation of the world on His shoulders alone, thought of the need of His mother. (John 19:27) In the midst of the greatest love every shown, Jesus cared for the personal life of His mother.
As I reflect on this scene, the passion Jesus has for one solitary life is overwhelmingly reinforced. (He also demonstrated such a passion with the thief on the cross beside Him). At this crucial moment, Jesus cared for the individual life.
The Cross of Jesus!
What an amazing sacrifice offered to the world! What a personal and passionate expression of love and care for one life!
Today, take a moment to realize that He cares for every detail of your life; He desires that you trust Him with every detail. I realize this is a basic truth of Christian faith, but how easily forgotten this truth becomes as we attempt to solve our own problems and deal with life in our own strength. Trust Him. He cares.
This Sunday, Mother’s Day, (May 13), I will share a message from John 19:26-27 on this radical love of Jesus toward his mother, toward the world, and to you and me. Join us as we discover 5 ways to love radically from the example of Jesus’ love for others, including his own mom.