Whether One or Many: The Home

This message is from Scott Chafee on the value of the home used as a tool for the Kingdom of God, from Psalm 127:1-2. [ The full message text may be found here ]

Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late,
To eat the bread of painful labors;
For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.

The Value of a Lighthouse

  • Life Purpose
  • Life Verses – here are a few possibilities: Acts 20:24, Galatians 2:20, Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 12:1-2

The Vanity of Life

  1. It is vain to build a House without God – Psalm 127:1a
  2. It is vain to guard the City without God – Psalm 127:1b
  3. It is vain to Work Hard without God – Psalm 127:2

The Vacuum of Space

  • The Front Hall – where we initiate relationships
  • The Dining Room – where we satisfy our appetites and desires
  • The Living Room – where we fellowship and get to know each other
  • The Work Room – where we find the work bench and build things
  • The Bed Room – where we protect our moral purity
  • The Recreation Room – where we have entertainment and relaxation
  • The Hall Closet – where we store items we want to keep

Next Steps:

  1. Transfer Your Deed.
  2. Choose Your Verse.
  3. Embrace Your Purpose.
  4. Clean Your Closet.

Study Questions:

  1. How did Solomon remind us that all of life’s blessings come from God and not people’s own achievements?
  2. In what specific ways should God’s people depend on Him?
  3. What does this psalm say about relationships?
  4. What should motivate us to depend on the Lord for help in times of need?
  5. What promises from this psalm would you like to claim for yourself?
  6. What attitude should we have toward ourselves?
  7. How do you think you could improve your attitude toward worshiping God?
  8. In what specific ways do you need to depend more on the Lord and less on yourself?
  9. What have you learned today about interpersonal relationships?
  10. How should we treat our family members and friends?
  11. What good things, experiences, people, or successes has God granted to you?
  12. How can we thank the Lord for His goodness to us?
  13. How could you demonstrate your thankfulness to the Lord today for the friendships you have?
  14. In what specific area of your life could you depend more on the Lord and less on confidence in your own abilities?
  15. In what ways will you begin to use your home as a tool for the purposes of God?
  16. Who are the neighbors that you are regularly praying for?
  17. Who in your community needs the GPS (God’s Plan of Salvation) that you have?
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