May-June Sermon Series
HOME-LIFE 101. This sermon series will answer the question, “How can God use me to make my Home what it should be?”
May 14. Home-life 101: A Living Proverb for Life: Mothers.
Proverbs 31
May 21. Home-life 101: A True Investment for the Future: Children.
2 Timothy 3:15
This will be our outdoor worship event, Worship on the Lawn, a single 10:30 a.m. service with a cookout after the service.
May 28. Home-life 101: Whether One or Many: The Home.
Psalm 127:1-2
June 4. Home-life 101: The Joy of Life Together: Family.
Psalm 128
June 11. Home-life 101: A Vision of Covenant Marriage – For the Married and the ‘Not-Yet-Married’.
Genesis 2:18; Hebrews 13:4
June 18. Home-life 101: A Man of Compassion: Fathers.
Psalm 103:13