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You can learn a lot about someone when you understand their core beliefs. and our core values of Community, Faith, and Love.
The King’s Grant Baptist Church is a united, harmonious fellowship of compassionate, servant-oriented and mission-minded believers who strive to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
The Church is a prayerful body of believers working to be more evangelistic and open to change and transition in answering God’s call to service. Each year a large number of the congregations are involved in local, state-wide and international missions.
The congregation supports its Church leadership and Church ministry initiatives. In connection with governance and administration, the congregation nominates and elects its committees, then respects and supports their efforts, resolving issues in a spirit of Christian harmony.
The Church welcomes men and women in leadership roles including Deacon and Staff positions.
The Church is ecumenical, cooperating with other churches to serve the community.
The Church supports the traditional Baptist principles of: (definitions of each are added for clarity)
- Religious liberty: We stand for a free church in a free state. Neither one should control the affairs of the other. We support the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, with its “establishment” and “free exercise” clauses.
- Autonomy of the local church: We affirm the autonomy of the local church. Each church is free to determine its own membership and to set its own course under the headship of Jesus. It may enter into alliance with other churches as it chooses, so long as those other churches are willing.
- The priesthood of the believer: We affirm the priesthood of all believers. Believers or disciples have the same right as ordained ministers to communicate with God, interpret Scripture, and minister in Christ’s name.
- Soul competency: We affirm soul competency, the accountability of each person before God. Family cannot save you, neither can the church. It comes down to you and God. Authorities can’t force belief or unbelief.
The Church endorses the Baptist Faith and Message of 1963 as a non-creedal confession of faith in our religious and denominational life.
The Church voluntarily supports and enters into partnership associations with:
- The Bridge Network of Churches locally,
- The Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV)
- We also partner with Catalyst Resources International (CRI) in Guatemala.
The Church gives cooperatively to the BGAV providing each of its members the option of designating contributions and directing mission dollars solely to King’s Grant Missions, or to the BGAV WM1, WM2, or WM3.