There are many ways to get involved in Missions at King’s Grant. This is a small sample of the opportunities.
Catalyst Resources International:
We have partnered with CRI over the years and regularly send teams to Guatemala to build homes, build stoves, feed children, and do whatever is needed in two orphanages. It is a blessing to serve God and others, and work along side Fontaine and Paula Greene, the local missionaries and founders of CRI.
[ Get more info on CRI’s connection with KGBC ]
[ Connect on the CRI Facebook Page ]
Winter Shelter at King’s Grant:
The membership here at King’s Grant Baptist Church plan and execute a shelter one week each year for those who do not have a home. This effort is coordinated through People in Need Ministry. Contact Scott Chafee or Janice Barber for more information. The shelter dates for 2024 is March 6-13.
People in Need Ministry
We partner with PiN Ministry to provide a winter shelter in our city from November through March. Homeless residents in Virginia Beach stay in local churches for a week at a time. PiN Ministry also has many other services at their location on Birdneck Road, near the ocean front.
Red Cross Blood Drives:
Little Neck community churches help the Red Cross facilitate a blood drive in our community. To alleviate waiting in line you are able to schedule an appointment by signing up at the welcome center table or by calling the church office. Signups begin about two weeks prior to the event. The location moves every two months through the six Little Neck area churches. The drives are always 1:00-7:00pm. Contact Karen Rowell for more information or make your appointment here.
The King’s Builders – Construction Mission Trip
The King’s Builders always take a week during the summer to construct a church building somewhere in America. It is one of the best weeks you can spend with a group of fellow believers; fun, exhausting, rewarding. Mike Lyons and Scott Chafee are the main contacts for information. Will you give your vacation time to make a difference for the Kingdom? Here is a link to get more information.
[ See 2018 photos here | The latest photos here ] [ Videos from 2011 | 2012 | 2016 ]
The King’s Stitchers:
These ladies meet each Monday at the church at 1:00 to stitch and crochet items for others. Donations have gone to places like the Crisis Pregnancy Center, Homeless Shelters, and migrant communities on the Eastern Shore.
Operation Christmas Child:
Each year we help to share the joy of Christmas and the joy of Christ to needy children throughout the world, who otherwise would not experience the giving spirit of Christmas. The church members have been known to provide over 180 shoe boxes!
Judeo-Christian Outreach Center:
Our congregation supports the housing stabilization program, which is set up for transitional housing between the shelter and affordable personal housing.
Disaster Response:
We serve God through assisting to serve others after a natural or national disaster. If you would like to contribute to a disaster relief project, you can make your check payable to King’s Grant Baptist Church and designate “Disaster Relief ” in the bottom corner. The church has aided others all across the country, including those affected by hurricane Katrina, and more recently hurricanes Ike, Edouard, Rita, and Matthew. Virginia Baptists have recently responded to rain floods in West Virginia, Nashville, North Carolina, and Florida. Many people in the congregation are trained to respond to a regional disaster, and are ready to mobilize when the need arises. Contact TBD.