The Heart of a Follower of Jesus
(5 Ways Jesus teaches His disciples to remains strong in commitment and service.)
John 14:1-15
- Jesus teaches His followers to have an untroubled heart (1-4).
- Jesus was distracted, discouraged, and distressed
- Jesus was dealing with betrayal, denial, and not being with his men much longer
- “Believe” is not an imperative, but indicative, meaning they believed in Jesus, he told them to act like it.
- Jesus teaches His followers about the priority of the relationship (5-7).
- He is the way – the only, exclusive path tothe Father
- He is the truth – the truth intimately known
- He is the life – victory over death
- Jesus teaches His followers to move beyond doubt (8-11).
- Jesus teaches His followers about true confidence (12-14).
- He invites them into his work
- He involves them in greater works to come
- He increased their blessing – ask, and he will do it
- Jesus teaches His followers lifestyle obedience (15).
- This is not a cold legalism – keep the commandment.
- This is personal affection – we serve and obey because we love him.
Questions for Further Study:
- What are some widely accepted “truths” that you believe to be false?
- In what ways do you resemble your parents?
- What did Thomas ask Jesus? (John 14:5)
- What did Jesus tell Thomas that He was? (John 14:6)
- Whom did Jesus say that His disciples would know if they really knew Him? (John 14:7)
- Whom did Philip ask Jesus to show them? (John 14:8)
- What did Jesus ask Philip in response to Philip’s request to be shown the Father? (John 14:9)
- How did Jesus characterize His relationship with the Father? (John 14:10-11)
- What evidence did Jesus use to prove that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him? (John 14:11)
- What did Jesus say that those who had faith in Him would do? (John 14:12)
- Why did Jesus say that anyone who had faith would do greater things? (John 14:12)
- Why did Jesus say that He would do whatever His believers asked in His name? (John 14:13)
- What did Jesus say that He would do for His followers? (John 14:14)
- In what way is faith in Jesus Christ exclusive or narrow?
- In what way is Christianity an exclusive belief system?
- How is Jesus the way, the truth, and the life in your life?
- How are we related to Jesus Christ and God the Father?
- What does it mean to know someone?
- What does it mean to know Jesus and God?
- What “greater things” are we doing today?
- What can we ask Jesus to do?
- What should our motivation be when we make requests of Jesus?
- How can we bring glory to the Father?
- What can you do this week to deepen your relationship with Christ?
- What can you do today to bring glory to God?
- Whom do you need to tell about the way Jesus offers a relationship with God?