The Leadership Pipeline Seminar

After all this talk about church and vision over the past few months, it’s time to make this practical.

  • What are the next logical steps to develop this equipping model of ministry?
  • How is the church designed to free members to find and fulfill what God has called them to do?
  • What are the next steps in personal spiritual development?
  • What is difference between a map and a menu?
  • What is the difference between a destination and a direction?
  • What is the difference between training volunteers and training leaders?
  • How would you describe our current leadership pathway?
  • How can we get this vision from a pipe dream to a pipeline?
  • Who will succeed you in your ministry after you are gone?

Beginning on Wednesday, October 25, we will have a 7-session video and discussion series on what is called “Leadership Pipeline.” Why? Because of this new vision Ken has been casting, and what we are calling “the next” for King’s Grant (development of an equipping culture), it cannot not happen apart from leadership development.

These video sessions are from the 2016 leadership pipeline conference and will cover these topics…

  1. Conviction, Culture, Constructs (Eric Geiger)
  2. A Vision for Pipeline and Your Vision’s Pipeline (Will Mancini)
  3. Strategy (Kevin Peck)
  4. Collaboration (Jenni Catron)
  5. Who Moved My Pulpit? And Other Change Issues (Thom Rainer)
  6. Leading Leaders (Carey Nieuwhof)
  7. Discipleship (Paul Tripp)

It all starts this Wednesdays October 25 in the sanctuary at 6:15.

Spread the Community, Faith, Love

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