This is the final message in the Home-Life 101 teaching series from Genesis 2:18 and Hebrews 13:4.
Genesis 2:18 – three facts of covenant as seen through God’s created order
- The created order of all things reveals the significance of the marital union.
- The story of the first marriage displays God’s intention of the uniqueness of the marriage union between husband and wife.
- This uniqueness stands defined by God as good.
Hebrews 13:4 – three ways of honoring covenant as seen through New Testament principles.
- Every husband and wife must embrace marriage as a reflection of God’s original design.
- The value of the “institutional other” must be held in highest regard.
- The Scriptures warn against defiling God’s intention for husband and wife.
Conclusion: Marriage as a covenant experience (I will make a helper suitable…)
- God enveloped the first humans in perfect fellowship.
- God so designed that man and woman live in that same type of fellowship.