9:30 – Check In
10:00 – Morning Session with Bean and Bailey
11:15 – Breakout Sessions
Advanced Care Planning: the most important conversation we’re not having.
Chair Yoga: enjoy the benefits of stretching and mental relaxation by learning yoga poses with the support of a chair.
Don’t Sugar Coat It – Let’s Prevent Diabetes: learn the latest strategies for preventing and managing diabetes.
Christians of the Holy Land: in the region where Jesus was born and lived, Christians make up only 2% of the population. Hear from a holy land native about the beauty and the struggles of being a Christian Palestinian.
Inside the Mind of Christian Millennials: join Chowan Campus Ministry and a panel discussion with college students to learn how to minister with the millennial generation.
Scams, Fraud, and Seniors: scammers and con-artist often target seniors. Learn how to spot a scam and reduce your risk of identity theft.
Write Your Life Story: spending just 5 to 10 minutes a session will allow you to share your life with those who you love most.
12:30 – Lunch and Afternoon Session with Bean and Bailey
2:30 – SeniorFest Concludes