This informative presentation was led by Rev. Kim Chafee, on Wednesday, August 3, 5:30pm. There were 66 people in attendance.
Here is what was covered in this practical seminar…
- What is dementia?
- What are the types of dementia?
- What about Alzheimer’s?
- What are the characteristics of each stage of Alzheimer’s?
- What are some unique behaviors of advanced dementia?
- Why is spiritual care and support so important?
- What are the ways to communicate with a dementia patient?
- What are some practical ways to provide spiritual care?
Also we discovered…
- The power of music and the mind.
- The role of the congregation in spiritual care.
- Caring for the care-givers.
- Ten ways to help an Alzheimer’s family.
- There is local, professional, and practical help in our area!
[ Audio of the Presentation ]
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[ Here are the Slides We Promised ]