While these are valid possibilities, your discipleship leadership team believes the proposed schedule of 9:30 and 11:00 meets the needs of the greatest number of people in our congregation.
1) Go back to the schedule of 8:30, 9:45, 11:00.
- It worked fine for years.
- It allowed OVER 250 in Sunday school in the past.
- We can build something or use trailers to make this happen?
- This schedule has comfortable familiarity.
- We have a choice in worship hour, early or late, and we can decide each Sunday if something comes up.
- We have enough rooms to do it.
- Is this current schedule really inhibiting our class growth? What are other factors?
- Where do we want to be 10 years from now?
- Should we be proactive making this change rather than reactive, making the necessary change out of desperation?
- Can we expect God to bring new people here if we are not ready to receive them? Rather than waiting until it’s crowded and wondering how to manage all these people, let’s plan for the future right now.
2) Double-down on the Current A-B Schedule.
- The schedule works for everybody when everybody works the schedule, but did we really give this schedule a fair chance?
- We have the blessing of shared rooms.
- We have the potential for class growth.
- Built in, the schedule allows plenty of time to get from one event to another without rushing.
- After the service, we have plenty of time to visit with guests, talk to and get to know people sitting near us in church, invite people to get some coffee and then attend class with you, and visit with other members who are not in your class.
- Church wide events have been a positive opportunity at 10:30.
3) One worship service at 10am with classes meeting before and after.
- Unless we modify the Bible study hours, we don’t have time to comfortably get from one event to the other without rushing. So, we would have to move times to 8:30 (adult classes), 9:45 (worship), and 11:00 (Sunday School for all ages).
- We immediately double our space because we can easily share classrooms if classes meet at 8:30 and 11:00 (with one worship hour at 9:45).
- This allows choice in your class hour, before or after worship service.
- However, worship growth would be limited and will get uncomfortably full, hopefully very soon.
- Worship style would be neither traditional nor modern, so our only choice is blended, and perhaps many will still not attend.
- Children’s Sunday School and Student Ministry classes would only happen at 11:00, with Worship Kidstyle at 9:45.