King’s Grant Children’s Ministry exists to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ out of all children by teaching them that we serve a real and living God who loves them and can make a difference in their lives while also partnering with parents to empower them to take on the vital role of spiritual leadership in their homes.
[ Take a Look at All Our Children’s Ministry Events ]
Kids’ Week (VBS) – get information and see video history. [ GO ]

Sunday School:
We have classes meeting at 9:30am on Sundays for all age groups. When you check-in at the family ministry desk one of our loving volunteers will help you find your child’s class. Children in Kindergarten through Grade 3 make up our 252 Kids Group and our older friends in Grades 4th, 5th, and 6th round out our 252 Preteen Group.
Worship Kidstyle:
As you’re worshiping in the sanctuary, your kids get to enjoy a worship experience imagined just for them. Our kids’ worship room features an area for dancing and upbeat music honoring Jesus on a kid-friendly level. Also, during this time, your child will hear a special message from the bible tailored just for them. [ More Information ]
252 Kids Preteen Group are encouraged to worship with their parents.

Midweek Activities:
There is a place for the whole family, from preschool, kids, students, and adults. Stop by the family ministry desk to check-in your children, and then you can your kids are in good hands while you attend one of our adult small groups.
Fine Arts Camp:
This is a perfect mash-up of creative arts and biblical truth. Kids and students (rising kindergarten through rising grade 12) get together generally the first week of August. Get more information at
Volunteering in the Children’s Ministry: