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Our Sunday Morning Small Group Bible Studies serve as the discipleship and ministry foundation at King’s Grant Baptist Church. Our church vision statement is “We exist as a community of faith to extend the love of Christ in Virginia Beach and to the world.” So, from this we emphasize our three key values of Community, Faith, and Love. [ read more about our vision here ]
Check out these groups below: Christian community is so vitally important.
- 8:30 a.m. – Early Adult Bible Study [ Get Information ] (without children’s activities)
- 9:30 a.m. – Bible Study for ALL AGES (Preschool, Children, Student, Adults, Families) [ Get Information ]
- 11:00 a.m. – Adult Bible Study Classes [ Get Information ]
Small groups at King’s Grant elevate these three values…
- To provide an opportunity for people to know Jesus better, becoming members of God’s forever family and this local congregation.
- To encourage active involvement in service to God and others, living and walking a life of faith.
- To challenge people to take the life-transforming message of Jesus to others, living their lives as people sent out with purpose, living a life on mission.
[ Look over the Sunday Groups List and discover your place to call home ]
We Value Bible Study Because…
- Spiritual teaching and community lead to transformed lives.
- People matter to God.
- We value Christian fellowship.
- We value spiritual care for one another.
- Those who live without Christ should have the opportunity to hear about him in a small group, non-threatening environment.
- We want to encourage and spur one another on to love and good deeds.
- We believe that connection to a church body is facilitated through small group involvement.
We provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to be involved with small group Bible study. We have classes that meet every Sunday morning from 9:30 until 10:30. Our preschool classes meet on the first floor of our Education Building and our children and youth classes meet on the second floor. Our adult classes are spread throughout the rest of our building.
For those who worship at 9am, we have an adult group meeting at 10:40 in the resource center. Talk to Scott Chafee about getting connected.