5 Things to Say to God

Pursue: Are You Daily Pursuing God?
5 Things to Say to God
(Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 1:15, Psalm 25:4-5, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 3:21)

Icebreaker Question: The sermon was on 5 things to say to God. The start of the sermon mentioned having a “Dear God” moment and what you would say and that kids often have an easier time with this than adults. Does anyone have any stories about when their kids first started praying? What did you kids pray for?

Matthew 6:33

33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

  • “God, I care about your Kingdom more than my own success.

Life Group Questions:

  1. What are the differences between a secular view of success and what God desires for us?
  2. Matthew 6:30-32 speaks to worrying about food, clothing, or other necessities and that God already knows you need these things and will provide them. Thus, is it a waste of time perhaps to focus on your own success over service in God’s Kingdom?
  3. What are the dangers of taking your eyes off the Kingdom first?
  4. How does obedience redefine an understanding of success or failure? (you can never fail when being obedient to God, and you never have to worry about success either)
  5. Who you are spiritually ranks higher than who you are physically, what are ways to strengthen this view?
  6. What creates worry in our lives, and how can we reduce the influence of worry?
  7. Most people that strive for personal success are thinking of the legacy they will leave on earth. What type of legacy should a Christian want to leave? 
  8. Is there a correlation between happiness, contentedness, and success or are they incompatible? What is the difference in how secular society views this versus a Christian one?
  9. Forbes magazine had an article that included research by Dr David Linden (Johns Hopkins’ School of Medicine) that shows the same traits that make a good CEO – risk taking, strong drive for success, obsession, dedication, novelty-seeking- are precisely what make a good addict. The Forbes article went on to state that authority may be linked to depression, and there is some evidence that CEO’s tend to experience depression at double the rate of normal people.
    1. What are some conclusions we can draw from this about the human idea of success?
    2. What does this show about the dangers of worldly desires?
    3. How does this demonstrate a void in fallen man that needs to be filled?

 1 Peter 1:15

15 but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior;

  • “God, I choose to measure my actions and attitude by Your holiness and not by the standards of others.

Life Group Questions:

  1. Why do we sometimes compare ourselves to others as supposed to the holiness of God? What are the pitfalls of spending time comparing yourself to others around you?
  2. Beware of the comparison trap. Why do we sometimes compare ourselves to others, what is the motivation behind this? (competitive spirit, jealousy, judgement, false idol, create false sense of security etc…)
  3. There is a term “the lie of the middle”. The theory means when looking at the community around you, there will typically be some further ahead and also some further behind. This creates the assumption that its ok not to be the best, because at least you are not the worst.
    1. How can this mindset lead one to complacency or inactivity?
    2. How does a focus on God prevent us from being trapped by the “lie of the middle”?
    3. The lie of the middle was applied to salvation by author Bill Fay. Bill stated that many people who are not saved will assume they will go to heaven because they are “good” people in that they might not be as good as some, but are much better than plenty of others. How should a Christian respond?
  4. What speaks louder, actions or words? How does this relate to our behavior? Do your non-Christian friends pay attention to your actions?

Psalm 25:4-5

Make me know Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day.

  • God, I consider myself accountable to Your truth by studying Your Word and listening to You.

Life Group Questions:

  1. This point relates to reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance.
    1. What are the methods and practices you use for reading the Bible? (do you read concurrently, do you read topically, do you read casually, do you read with the intent to take notes, do you use daily devotionals, no one answer will apply to all, but describe how you stay in the Word)
    2. Has the Holy Spirit ever lead you to a particular passage of Scripture when you needed it?
    3. Has personal revelation ever taught you something and then later you read the supreme revelation in the Bible that supports that lesson?
  2. What is your favorite book or books in the Bible? What book has been most inspirational to you in your life?
  3. If you met someone who was not saved and they asked what are three or four books of the Bible you would recommend for them to read first, what would you answer?
  4. How much of an issue is noise in our current culture? Would you say this is the “noisiest” time so far for humanity?
  5. Do you dedicate time in your life to simply block out noise and reflect on things with God? How or by what methods do you create quit time to spend one on one with God?

Romans 12:2

2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

  • God, I seek to know Your will; I seek to know what you desire to accomplish in my life at this moment.

Life Group Questions:

  1. God’s will is never lost.
    1. How can this concept provide peace?
    2. How can this concept provide hope?
    3. Does anyone have a story where God closed doors or opened doors in their lives?
  2. What is the necessary role of Scripture in understanding God’s will?
  3. What is your favorite story in the Bible of where God used a person to further His will?
  4. Ephesians 2:8-10 states “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”
    1. How does seeking God’s will create a greater sense of humility?
    2. What is the most dangerous human emotion? Where does pride rank on that list?
    3. 1 Corinthians 1:31 states “Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.” This is very different than the version of boasting stated in Ephesians 2:9. How does popular culture promote the version of boasting found in Ephesians 2:9? What are the results of this promotion in society?
  5. What are some of the dangers in our world today that make things more difficult for Christians? What are some of the ways the world beckons us to conform to it?
  6. How should we weigh praying for God’s will versus praying for our own desires?

Ephesians 3:21

21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

  • God, I choose to focus on Your glory more than any other concern in my life.”

Life Group Questions:

  1. We often face concerns, but how does living for God’s glory simplify things in our life?
  2. Concern is not necessarily a negative response, except when it leads to excessive worry.
    1. How can a focus on God prevent the negative aspects of concern?
    2. What is the correlation between worry and trust? Does worry basically come down to a lack of trust?
  3. What are ways we can show trust in God?
  4. When a person seeks and attains glory in their life for selfish reasons, what are the typical results?
  5. What does popular culture glorify in our society?
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