“We, who are many, are one body in Christ…” – Romans 12:5
The Gallup Pole once reported the top needs of American Citizens. The top three needs listed were as follows: (1) the need for food and shelter, (2) the need for purpose, and (3) the need for community.
Interesting! With basic physical needs and the need for a sense of purpose, our culture also has a need for community: a need for belonging and identifying to a larger group.
While social media tools seem to keep our interaction superficial and often distant and strained, our culture hungers to belong. In fact, God has created us with a need for others. He has fostered within His creation the dynamic of relationships. Even through the salvation offered by Jesus on the cross, a significant result is that one can belong to the larger body of Christ (the Church). We were made for community.
Join King’s Grant Baptist Church this Sunday, October 7, as we discover from God’s’ Word the exciting reality of community (our focus of M1 – membership in the equipping model of our church vision).
I look forward to worshiping Jesus Christ with you in community.