Our M3 Sunday 2018

M2-M3 Sunday
September 30, 2018
Matthew 5:16, 9:36, Romans 5:5, Psalm 116:12

These are questions for the Life Groups on Wednesday October 3 at 6:00 pm.

One Sunday September 30, we had a special day of missions emphasis featuring six members with missions experiences to share. The main focus was to not so much talk about WHAT was done, but the WHY, the effect on the kingdom because they participated. Ken’s emphasis was…

Focus on the redemption of Christ for the need of mankind.

  1. How does your mission involvement teach you about being sensitive to the needs of others? How do you see the face of Jesus in those whom you serve?
  2. How does your mission involvement remind you of God’s mission to bring redemption to a broken world?
  3. How does your mission involvement help you to live life on mission every day? What would you say to others to encourage them to live life on mission with Jesus?

Student Guatemala Mission – Grayson Beemus, Keith Alexander, and Ken Pruitt

  1. Grayson mentioned that what she noticed most (besides the wonderful programs and ministry happening in Guatemala) was the way the Catalyst Resources International leaders trusted God in the face of limited funds, resources, and workers. They demonstrated the need for prayer for whatever they encountered, that God will provide, and so they need to trust in God.
    1. Someone tell a story about a time when they trusted God to make something happen when there was no way this could work out on its own (perhaps when God provided for you or your family in some miraculous way).
    2. Describe your prayer life; is it more of a first action or a last thought? Why? What needs to change? What will it take to make that change happen?
    3. Describe your personal plan for engaging in prayer. How do you remain strong in the midst of uncertainly?
    4. In what way does your trust in God encourage others to trust in God?
    5. Grayson mentioned trusting in God’s plan for her. When did you first realize that life was not just random events, but that God has a plan for his children? How difficult is it to embrace God’s plan?
  2. Keith Alexander mentioned how participating in missions has grown his love for God and the work that God has done in his own life, how it has been a blessing to experience these times. He stressed the importance of remaining connected to God every day.
    1. Who can name a moment in your life when God provided a missions or ministry event catalyst for your spiritual growth? Why does God use these experiences for OUR growth? Why do the mundane events in our lives not produce much growth? Or do they?
    2. Share a story about a time when you experienced Christ on a mission trip, more than just the work you were sent to do.
    3. How do you connect with God each day? What works for you? In a world full of distractions, how do you know when it is God’s voice speaking to you?
  3. Ken mention the importance of seeing the face of Christ in the people we encounter. What are some practical ways we can be reminded that we are serving Christ by serving others?

Virginia Voices International – Diana Turner

  1. Diana mentioned she committed herself to missions back when she was 16 years old. When was a time that you sensed God calling you to missions or to a particular ministry or task?
  2. She mentioned being limited by the lack of “missionary” skills, but God gave her the gift of singing. How has God gifted you, and how are you using that gift for his purpose for the world?
  3. When you are not allowed to talk about Christ in the public square, name some ways that you are able to demonstrate your love for God (how you “let your light shine before men…”)
  4. She mentioned people would not take a free bottle of water. Why do you think people are skeptical about something that is free? Who has a story of a free item not really being free?
  5. People in Canada are a lot like those in the USA, and we don’t see an immediate need we can meet; (although the country has a dark spiritual need). How are we able to make an impact on the up-and-out people around us, not just the down-and-out? How do we help people understand their need for a Savior?
  6. How can we make our actions of love more evangelistic?
  7. “Live Sent” – “We are to live as God has sent us, not as IF God has sent us. We KNOW that he has sent us.” When have you wrestled with this reality? Are you still wrestling with God about this?
  8. Ministries begin with an idea. What has God put on your heart that might turn into a ministry?

King’s Builders – Eddie Todd

  1. The Wonderful World of Disney reference was made in passing, but how committed are you to regularly gathering in God’s house for worship, even when there are so many other things to do and experience in our culture? Who has a story about church coming before sports, social, or entertainment functions? Are you still wrestling with church being a priority? How can we help families understand that church needs to be a higher priority than leisure and sports.
  2. Eddie talked about lacking giftedness in doing evangelism on the street, but he can do things with his hands and can have conversations with people. What are some of your limitations that God has allowed you to overcome for his kingdom’s sake? What still is a barrier for you?
  3. Eddie emphasize the fact that we are all given the Great Commission, and this opportunity serve in King’s Builders was God’s way of getting him involved in that commission. How is God opening your eyes to the opportunities around you to fulfill the Great Commission? Are there doors opening to you, yet you still need courage to walk through them?
  4. “You leave on King’s Builders as friends, you come back as family.” Talk about how the love of Christ and purpose of God binds us together. Who has a story? How does this reflect on the purpose of our Life Groups, (to share life together)?
  5. When it comes to results, we don’t always get to see the fruit of our mission work. How did the story of the man visiting the church construction site (in Green Bay) inspire you to see a bigger picture of God’s plan, one that is so much greater than our plans? (The team went to build a church, but God had a divine appointment with this man and his family). Is NOT seeing fruit in your efforts discouraging to you? How do you persevere when you see no immediate results?

Love Your City – BBQ – Bob Simon

  1. Bob talked about getting this feeding ministry off the ground through sharing ideas with other ministry leaders (Jennifer with JCOC and the Carnivore event). Who inspires you to do more than you are currently doing? What compels you to serve Jesus and others?
  2. We don’t just feed people, we deliver food with as message, “We are from King’s Grant Baptist Church and we love you and Jesus loves you.” Name some ways that you can take a common event (like eating) and put in a good word for Jesus?
  3. “We don’t need to look far to find a need, physical or spiritual, they are all around us.” What is God showing you in your circle of influence. How can you meet that need? Who can you bring in to help you or help you organize a ministry?
  4. “Some cook, some deliver, some are better at talking about Jesus.” How do we see other ministries or events in life as team efforts to challenge people with the reality of the gospel?
  5. Bob mentioned this ministry is not asking people to come to us, but we go to the people. How can the church do a better job of getting outside the doors of the church into the community?
  6. “While we are not saved BY our good works, we are saved FOR good works. Find a way to use the talent God has given you!” How has God gifted you for the work of service? How are you seeking ways to employ your gift for God’s kingdom? When are you tempted to coast in your service life?
  7. Speaking of works, why are Americans and Christians in America confused about the role of good works in Christianity?

King’s Stitchers – Sandy Guthrie and Jane Dobbins

  1. Sandy mentioned partnering with two organizations: The Crisis Pregnancy Center and the Associational Baby Boutique. What organizations are already at work that have captured your heart? How are you involved in that ministry? How can you get people involved in what you are doing for the kingdom?
  2. This ministry involved some specific skills, so what are some skills that you possess for which an organization or ministry could be looking?
  3. How does a group like King’s Stitchers choose organizations with whom to partner?
  4. Each knitted item has a tag attached, mentioning the church, and that it was made with love and prayer. How difficult is it to find ways to put in a good word for Jesus as we serve our community? What obstacles have you overcome? What obstacles are still in the way for you to be bolder in your intentional witness?
  5. This ministry meets on Mondays at the church, but Sandy mentioned you can still be involved without meeting on Mondays. In what ways can decentralizing church ministries further the reach of the gospel and the influence of this church? (Home Bible study groups? Midweek worship for those who work on Sundays? Other ideas?)

M-Fuge – Conner Amet and Ryan Anderson

  1. Conner mentioned the track choices at M-fuge Philadelphia. Why and how should the church offer a variety of choices in programming and opportunities to serve? What about giftedness for different ministries? Do you ever feel that your gifts or abilities are not relevant to kingdom work?
  2. He mentioned the power of the event changing him. Tell us about a time that you were involved in something bigger than yourself, and by being a part of it, that event was life-changing.
  3. Ryan said that the students at M-fuge are “the hands and feet of Jesus” making an impact on that city. How are you being the hands and feet of Jesus? Into what areas of our city are you going and making an impact? (in Virginia Beach, school, the office, neighborhood)
  4. How does serving in missions, in something bigger than yourself, shape your mindset? What has been the biggest influence on your idea about what mission is? (A trip, an event, a speaker, this past Sunday at KGBC).
  5. In what way is being a missionary for all believers, not just for some “super-Christians?” How do we help people understand that living on mission is the expectation, and simply showing up at church is falling short of God’s purpose?
  6. While not saying it directly, Ryan and the other adult leaders are able to invest into the lives of so many teenagers. In what ways are you investing in the next generation? What needs do you see around you? What can you do to meet those needs?

Missions Challenge – Beth Anderson and Ken Pruitt

  1. Beth mentioned that we can look back at our services on Sunday, and all we have done over the past year, and feel pretty good about ourselves. Why is it not good to be satisfied with all we have done in the past?
  2. Beth challenged us to commit to whatever God have called us to do. Why do you think Christians have a difficult time committing to active and regular service? What is the danger in waiting until the next Operation Inasmuch or Winter Shelter to get involved in Christian service?
  3. We were challenged to live out missionally on campus, the apartment complex, the office, the grocery store, and even in our homes/families. Why is it preferred to live life on mission for a noble cause (like a trip or project) but so difficult to live it out in front of our own family? Mission Trip Syndrome: Why will we do ministry out of town but don’t do it in our own community? Is it possible to be effective on a mission trip when we are not practicing the same here at home?
  4. Ken emphasized that the church is not the church unless it is sent out. First, do you agree? Perhaps then, where do we fall short? Why do we fall short?
  5. If we really see the face of Jesus in those around us, why do we still fall short in serving others in the love of Christ? How well do you believe King’s Grant is living life on mission? How well are you doing at living a missional life?
Spread the Community, Faith, Love

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