Jesus is Life

Jesus is Life
John 11:1-46

Principle #1: The Good that Jesus Brings is not limited by Your Present Situation. (John 11:1-5)
The Application: Don’t give up on God.
What determines your situation?

Principle #2: The human reasoning of your present circumstance should always stand contested by faith in Christ. (John 11:6-16)
Application: Trust Jesus even when it doesn’t make sense.
…When His timing doesn’t always make sense
…When following Him is not always comfortable or safe
…When problems seem so irreversible
…When there always seems to be a battle to fight

Principle #3: The Truth of Christ is the only way to respond to a crisis of belief. (John 11:17-27)
Application: When in doubt, hold tight to your relationship with Jesus Christ.
DOUBT: Circumstance and Culture

Principle #4: The compassion of Christ is stronger than your deepest sorrow. (John 11:28-37)
Application: Confess your inability to deal with “this” on your own, and fall before the Savior.

CONCLUSION: If the Truth of Christ raised a dead man, what will His Truth do for you? (John 11:38-44)

Questions for Further Study:

  1. What do the people you know fear most in life?
  2. What sort of miracle would be the most spectacular to witness?
  3. How did Jesus feel when He went to Lazarus’s tomb? (John 11:38)
  4. In what type of tomb was Lazarus buried? (John 11:38)
  5. What did Jesus tell the others to do? (John 11:39)
  6. How did Martha respond to Jesus’ request? (John 11:39)
  7. How did Jesus show Martha the importance of her belief? (John 11:40)
  8. What did Jesus do before He called to Lazarus? (John 11:41-42)
  9. What did Jesus say to the Father? Why? (John 11:41-42)
  10. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? (John 11:43-44)
  11. What did Lazarus do when Jesus called to him? (John 11:44)
  12. What did Jesus tell the people to do? (John 11:44)
  13. When have you been deeply moved?
  14. Under what circumstances have you doubted the power of God?
  15. When have you had faith in God’s ability to work out an impossible situation?
  16. What is one miracle God has done in your life?
  17. How does God show His glory to us?
  18. In what way has God shown His glory to you?
  19. In what way has God “raised you from the dead”?
  20. If you had been there when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, how do you think you might have responded?
  21. What specific situation do you need to trust God to work out in your life?
  22. For what “miracle” do you want to thank God today?
  23. What can you do today so that others might believe in Jesus?
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