Please visit the bulletin board for information on how to serve during our winter shelter week.
- Classes are invited to cook and serve an evening meal during the week.
- Men are invited to provide security overnight (8:30 pm through 6:00 am).
- The hospitality team welcomes volunteers each evening to meet and greet, and interact with the our guests during the evening activities.
- Visit the bulletin boards to pick up “mitten” tags – to purchase items for daily lunches for our guests.
- Visit the displays regarding the hygiene kits, and fill a zip-lock bag with the requested items.
- Who would come to church early on Sunday to help clean our restrooms for the morning’s activities (working with our church custodian)? Time is essential so help is needed.
- Who will come early on Sunday to take down tables in the fellowship hall and set up for the worship service in the Well?