TREASURES OF THE HEART: A Lifestyle of Generosity.
Matthew 6:19-21
Impact Point: I will give generously
Jesus Teaches a Kingdom Principle . . .
- The principle takes the form of a command (Matthew 6:19-20)
- do not store treasures on earth
- do store treasures in Heaven
- The command is built upon a divine value (Matthew 6:19-20)
- the value of treasures on earth
- the value of treasures in heaven
- The value determines man’s spiritual condition (Matthew 6:21-24)
- the heart (Matthew 6:21)
- the mind (Matthew 6:22-23)
- the will (Matthew 6:24)
Questions for Further Study:
- If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only three possessions with you, what would you choose and why?
- What valuable possessions do you have that cannot be replaced?
- What are some things you’d never give up, no matter how much money you were offered for them?
- Where did Jesus urge His followers not to “store up treasures”? Why? (Matthew 6:19)
- Why did Jesus discourage stockpiling things? (Matthew 6:19)
- What can happen to a person’s material possessions? (Matthew 6:19)
- Where did Jesus encourage us to invest our wealth? Why? (Matthew 6:20)
- Why is heaven a better place to “bank” than earth? (Matthew 6:20)
- What does the location of a person’s treasure say about that person? (Matthew 6:21)
- What is described as the “lamp of the body”? How is this so? (Matthew 6:22)
- What is the result of “good eyes”? (Matthew 6:22)
- When will people’s lives be full of darkness? (Matthew 6:23)
- What did Jesus say about serving two masters? (Matthew 6:24)
- Why did Jesus say we cannot serve two masters? (Matthew 6:24)
- What two masters did Jesus mention in this context? Why? (Matthew 6:24)
- How have you felt whenever you have lost a valued possession?
- How can we “store up . . . treasures in heaven”?
- How can we determine where our treasure is (and thus where our hearts are)?
- What sort of things do you think about most?
- Where does your mind naturally gravitate to in those moments just before you go to bed?
- How clear is your spiritual vision right now?
- What masters most often fight for your allegiance?
- In what ways do you serve money?
- In what ways can you master your money?
- How could you make an investment in eternity today?
- What committed Christian friends could help you evaluate your use of money in the next month?