Tuesday – (Jesus Cleanses the Temple)
We trust that you will find these devotions helpful on your spiritual walk with Christ. Please meditate on the Scripture passages, understand the story in context, then reflect on how this story relates to your life today. May God bless you this Easter season.
SCRIPTURE: Read Luke 19:45-48

SUMMARY: Jesus enters the temple area in Jerusalem and finds people buying and selling goods there. He overturns the tables of the money changers and drives out those who were selling animals, declaring that the temple should be a house of prayer but had been turned into a robber’s den.
His actions provoke the anger of the religious leaders, who seek to destroy him, but they are unable to do so because of the crowds who are captivated by Jesus’ teaching. He teaches daily. Despite the opposition from the religious authorities, Jesus continues to teach daily in the temple, gaining popularity among the people.
This passage highlights Jesus’ zeal for the purity and sanctity of the temple and his commitment to teaching and preaching despite the threats against him.
STORY: Jesus drives out those who use his house for ulterior motives (Luke 19:45).
SELF-EXAMINATION: Our image of Jesus is usually one where he is embracing the outcast rather than casting them out, but at some point, even Jesus has had enough. He was in God’s house and the people were unable to worship God in spirit and in truth, or even be in the presence of God, because of all the other activity going on. At some point, all church people need to evaluate their motivation for attending church;
- Do you attend services or classes out of devotion to God or out of obligation?
- Do you attend in order to support the programs of the church or to encounter the person of Jesus Christ?
- Do you attend church out of habit or for the godly fellowship of a Christian community?
- Do you attend because someone told you going to church was important, or because of your love for the resurrected Lord who is the head of this body of Christ?
SOUL-SEARCHING: What is Jesus calling you to drive out of your life? And yes, maybe he must take a figurative whip or some turning over tables in your life to drive some things out of your life.
- Is there a certain sin from which you just cannot overcome?
- Is there an ungodly relationship that does not bring honor to God?
- Is there an unyielding or unhealthy desire for success and status in life?
- Is there a personal need to be considered important, fun, wise, or witty by those around you?
- Is there a desire to be the center of attention when the group gets together?
- Is there an unbalanced longing for familiar church rituals or traditions that bring you comfort and security?
- Is there a greater desire to control the church or to submit to the will, ways, and work of the Spirit in our congregation?
- Is your motivation for gathering in the sanctuary a desire for a deeper relationship with Jesus that brings peace, love, joy, and yes, purpose and mission?
- Will you allow God to examine your life, thoughts, beliefs, or actions to see if you have ulterior motives just beneath the surface?
Take off the mask. Look into the mirror of God’s Word to find the face of Christ. Our goal must be to conform to the image of Christ and not get squeezed into the world’s mold. God has so much more for his followers. May we embrace absolute surrender, submission, and sacrifice, because Jesus is worth it. Be bold, be courageously honest, and be steadfast in driving out everything in your life that does not resemble Jesus, his mission, or his sovereignty.