December 19. “JESUS, GOD’S SON – made possible many Sons and Daughters of God”
“Jesus came to that which was His own . . . to all who believe in Him are given the right to become children of God.” John 1:11-12
Dallas Texas, 1997. Dallas Municipal Courts. Two people stood before the judge. In this scene, their demeanor was one of joy and anticipation. As husband and wife, they waited a ruling. But, this wasn’t just any ruling. This couple had attempted to have children for years. Finally, the long awaited day had come to adopt their first daughter. She was born in June and immediately placed with her adoptive family. Her family awaited the 6 month protocol for the adoption to be finalized. Six months. With every phone call they had wondered, “Is this the call that informs us the birth mother has changed her mind?” Six months of awaiting the final decision. Before that, 8 years of attempting a family. And now, here they stood in front of the judge’s bench; what would the ruling be? This is what the story looked like from the outside. Now, let’s get inside the story.
There stood my wife and I before the judge, holding in our arms the sweet little baby girl God had given us. (To this day, we are still indebted to the birth moms of all three of our adopted daughters.) To the right was a dear friend and attorney who was there to help finalize the adoption. To the left was a bailiff – the armed officer of the courtroom. My wife held our little girl; I held a large VHS camera. (Hey, don’t laugh, it was a long time ago). Just before the judge walked in, I handed the camera to the bailiff, and said, “Do you mind?” After the surprise of being asked wore off, he gently said, “no problem.” The judge walked in and the proceedings were underway. At the very moment the judge struck the desk with the gavel and said, “this adoption is final,” our little girl said for the very first time, “da-da.” At that very moment! How amazing! My wife began to cry; I began to cry. The judge began to cry. And, yes, our big burly bailiff-turned-camera man began to cry. What an incredible moment! To this day, this scene is vividly etched in my mind and heart, as are all the memories of our daughters’ adoptions.
I share this with you for two reasons. The 19th of December is the anniversary of that day in the courtroom – also known as adoption day, or more endearingly, “gotcha day.” But I also share this with you as motivation to better prepare yourself for a true experience of worhsip this Christmas season.
God came to us as a child. He entered our world as one of us to make us eternally one of His. He did not hold back. He did whatever was necessary to make us His.
The hidden part of the above adoption story reveals months of waiting and months of negotiating with the adoption process, including forms to be filled out and legal fees to resolve. But, during the entire process, my wife and I avowed that which we avowed with all of our adoptions: “we will do whatever it takes to make this little one ours.”
In the highest and most magnificent way, God did just that: he did whatever it took to make us His. The Gospel clearly announces that if we place our faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins we become sons and daughters of God. The Bible describes the Christ-follower as adopted; the old translation renders, “we are given a spirit of son-ship.” Jesus came to earth that we might become Children of God. It is just that simple. God has done this. Have you received by faith Jesus Christ? If so, do you truly live daily in the reality of sons and daughters of God?
This is our spiritual adoption! This is Christmas! This is Jesus!
READ: Today, read John 1:11-12 and Romans 8:14-17 to celebrate your spiritual adoption; if you have a relationship with Jesus, take time this Christmas seasons to celebrate your gotcha day!
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