December 11. Love Broke Through
“For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.” Romans 8:3
At this very moment, there are people who doubt the very existence of God because they see no sign of His presence in a world of chaos, violence, and human degradation. But, recapping Biblical history, God has always been intimately involved with His creation. In the very beginning, Genesis-Chapter One, God’s presence hovered over the face of the waters. In Genesis-Chapter Two, God breathed life into Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3, although in a negative sense, God’s nearness was made very apparent as Adam and Eve attempted to hide from God’s presence in response to their guilt. Fast forward in Biblical History to that lengthy time period where God’s people continued to live in disobedience; notice God’s announcement through the prophet Isaiah: “your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God.” (Isaiah 59:2)
As you continue to read Biblical history, God’s presence was experienced by His people as they would offer sacrifices in the ceremonial system God required. Yet, these sacrifices could not remove sin completely. From the very beginning God had a plan to rescue sinners and to bring reconciliation between humanity and Himself.
And, this is where the message of Christmas pronounces clearly and fully that God exists, and that He cares. God sent His Son. In the midst of chaos, brokenness, and rebellion, God stepped in and His love broke through. As Romans 8:3 announces, man could not obey God’s Law, thus forfeiting that perfect relationship with God; but God sent Jesus in the flesh to die on the cross for us so that sin could be taken away.
The world’s condition does not deny God’s existence. In fact, it does the opposite: the world’s condition emphasizes God’s existence and His plan: God sent His Son to save. This is the message of Christmas. This is how God stepped into our brokenness.
Today, sin still exists and separates man from God. But because Jesus died on the cross and rose again, there is now an answer to the separation. There is now an answer to all that is broken. Lies, hatred, idolatry, and all other sins place us before God’s wrath, and consequently separated from Him. But Jesus took upon Himself our sins on the cross, and we can be forgiven and reconciled back to God as His own sons and daughters.
This is the reality of the Christmas message. This is love. This is Christmas.
Today, read the entirety of Romans 8 to rediscover how Christmas points to God’s love that broke through.
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