December 9. Love Stepped Into Our World
“And the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
The commercialization of the holidays can often cause us to miss the true miracle of Christmas: the incarnation. What is the incarnation? This term may actually seem antiquated to some and possibly foreign to others. However, the above verse explains the incarnation perfectly: “He dwelt among us and we beheld Him.” “In the flesh” defines the meaning of the term, incarnation; this announces that Jesus – as God’s Word and the Message of love and salvation – took on the form of humanity and came to earth to dwell among mankind “in the flesh.”
We can often take the incarnation for granted. We can often forget what a monumental miracle this actually was, as deity stepped into humanity.
So many generations have debated over and fantasized about extraterrestrial beings from other planets. Since Orson Well’s 1938 “War of the World” novel that panicked many, the lingering affect for many today is the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe.
However, God Himself sent His Son who was not of this world to become of this world so that we could know God and live with Him forever in Heaven. How much more “otherworldly” can we get than the incarnation. God actually came to us. He stepped into our lives. And there was only one reason God did this: to lovingly rescue us from our sin and ourselves. He stepped into our world to give us a brand new life – a life lived by faith in the Son of God, and a life lived in prefect fellowship with God.
God came to us. Celebrate the incarnation. Celebration the birth of the Christ child. This is love. This is Christmas.
Today, read John 1:1-18 and rediscover how love stepped into our world.
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