December 4. GOD IS FATHER
“For to us a child is born and to us a Son is given.” Isaiah 9:6
During the reign of Ahaz, Judah trembled against opposing threats of the Syro-Ephraimite conflict coming against them nationally and militarily (7:2, Syria and Israel as conjoined forces against Judah). Nevertheless, God promised that eventually Aram and Israel, along with Assyria and Babylon, would fall (8:9-10) In the midst of unbelievable devastation subsequent to Ahaz and Judah’s disobedience, a hope was building. And, in chapter 9, the hope is announced: “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” (Isaiah 9:2) The devastation would soon be consumed by the light that shines in the darkness. Isaiah 9:6 announces that “a child is born and a son is given.”
Ray Steadman writes, “God’s answer to everything that has ever terrorized us is a child. The power of God is so far superior to the Assyrians and all the big shots of this world that He can defeat them by coming as a child.” (Steadman, Isaiah: God Saves Sinners, 99).
God has made Himself fully known though His Son … the Christ child. A Son was given to announce the fullness of God, and the Father was pleased (Colossians 1:19). In history, this announcement gave hope to the temporary crisis of God’s people. This same announcement has brought eternal hope to our own crisis of sin and brokenness. The hope is Jesus, and the Father was pleased to give us this hope through the Son. And, through the Son, many can become sons and daughters of God (2 Corinthians 6:18).
Rejoice today that a Son was given so that you could become a son or daughter of God. This is Our Father. This is God. This is Christmas.
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