Saturday, January 12
The Wonderment of Being Loved
Paul said, “I take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (Philippians 3:12). In the wonderment of God’s love for us as proven in Christ, which took hold of us in salvation, this love now becomes the very impetus for how we are to approach our relationship with God every day. If we do not have this wonderment, the daily pursuit of God becomes laborious and disingenuous, and most likely discontinued; but in wonderment of Jesus’ love, we press forward passionately.
I love the continuity between Paul’s salvation experience and his calling to minister to others in the name of Christ; his motivation was a very personal and moving regard for what Jesus had done for Him. He recalled that his conversion experience was like a mighty hand that had laid hold of him, turning him around right in his tracks. (F. F. Bruce, Volume 11: NIBC, 120.) Jesus took hold of him on the Damascus road; in response, Paul resolved to take hold of the goal of this new life. Every part of Paul’s life, ever segment of time and every purpose of the heart, became pointed toward that goal: striving every day toward the time when Paul would stand complete in God’s presence. Although not obtained until in God’s presence, Paul knew that each day was another opportunity to pursue. The pursuit would be his passion until the goal would become his prize.
God has shown us His love personally; He has proven in the initiation of that love that He mysteriously and magnificently pursues us. This truth does not erase the free will God has endowed man with, but this truth most certainly declares that God is the great lover of our souls. May we pursue Him as if He is all that matters, for, He is all that matters. Today, commit to a life that genuinely pursues God; in so doing, rediscover the intensity of your faith.
Philippians 3:12-15