“…Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name.” Psalm 100:4
Good morning, Greeting in Christ,
Dr. Roy Fish, respected seminary professor for many years, constantly shared a favorite saying with his students: “when you cease to be thankful you begin to be sinful.” As a student of his, I was blessed to be a personal recipient of such a necessary reminder again and again.
Thankful or sinful! Wow! That definitely narrows the options.
Thankfulness represents such a vital characteristic of one who truly worships God. Psalm 100 instructs the worshiper to enter into God’s presence with thankfulness; in this way, we bless the name of God. Have you ever considered that your life of thankfulness could actually be a blessing to God?
This Sunday, November 18, King’s Grant Baptist Church will celebrate a special time of giving thanks at each of our morning worship services. A special observance of the Lord’s Supper, along with a meaningful time of praise and worship, will provide an opportunity for you to express you thankfulness to God in a very meaningful way.
We hope you and your family will join us for this very special time to give thanks as we worship Jesus Christ, our Savior and King. See you Sunday.