Get This for November 11

“…We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Greetings in Christ,

Someone recently asked me, “who has better barbecue, Texas or Virginia?” They followed their question with, “we are asking you personally, because you just moved to Virginia from Texas, and you of all people would know.”

Did you catch the significance of their comment: you just moved from there, so you would know. They are exactly right. “I would know” because of a very practical truth: my residency provided first hand experience.

The simplicity of that truth will help you to understand an important fact of your Christian faith: Christians are ambassadors for Jesus Christ. When you placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you received the gift of eternal life (abundant life), which by definition begins at the moment of salvation and not at the moment of a Christian’s passing from this life. Death will one day usher you into the presence of God to experience in full that which you began to experience the moment you met Jesus: life abundant. You have become a member of the Kingdom of Christ, and you are a citizen of His kingdom more than a citizen of this world. In fact, your relationship with Jesus – His saving grace – qualifies you as an ambassador of His kingdom; and you are an ambassador to this fallen world.

How is this significant for your daily existence? Every day you awaken in this world, you are an ambassador for Christ and His kingdom. So, when someone seeks to know the truth of God, and the greatest love ever given, they can look to you because you of all people would know; you are now “from there.” You have been received into the Kingdom of Christ (Colossians 1:13) and you are privileged to represent Jesus with every step of your life.

If this truth seems overwhelming, know that God is continually at work in your life to strengthen you as His ambassador. In fact, this Sunday, I will share five facts of an ambassador of Christ that I believe you will find very encouraging.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, November 11. (Oh, and if you are thinking that I did not answer the question about who has the best barbecue, you are exactly right. See you Sunday!)

Spread the Community, Faith, Love

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