Don’t forget Operation Inasmuch this Saturday. Check out the details on our website.
“…Jesus Christ, Himself being the Cornerstone, in Whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.” – Ephesians 2:20b-21
Greetings in Christ,
It was John Wesley who said, “I want the whole Christ for my Savior, the whole Bible for my book, the whole church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my mission field.”
I trust that each of us has this same hunger!
In preparation for worship this Sunday, consider the significance of “the whole church for my fellowship.”
The Apostle Paul wrote, “the whole building (meaning the spiritual community of Christians) is growing into a holy temple (meaning, a people in whom God’s presence dwells). I love the emphasis on growing. This expresses the expansion of the church around the globe (Revelation 7:9, “from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue”). This also expresses the spiritual maturity of God’s people, growing more and more into a people who truly represent the presence of God and the love of Jesus to the world.
This Sunday, October 21, we as a community of faith will have an opportunity to understand how each of us can participate in the growth of the church. To think that God could use each of us to grow His church locally and around the world is an opportunity we would not want to miss!
A Very Important Reminder: This Sunday offers an opportunity to witness growth in the leadership of our community of faith as we celebrate the ordination into deacon service for Emily Gilliam and Bob Bademian. Please come and support these two faithful servants and their families.
The ordination service will take place only at the 8:30 worship time; the 11:00 traditional service and the 11:00 contemporary worship (The Well), will focus on the present sermon series of our church vision: The Core Value of Faith – Indicated by a life that Grows.
I look forward to worshiping with you and your family this Sunday.
If you are new to the community of faith at King’s Grant Baptist, or if you are visiting, don’t forget our special invitation to “Coffee with the Pastor” at 9:30 in the Welcome Center this Sunday. [ RSVP Here ]