5 Ways to Honor Your Mother (Radical Love)
John 19:26-27
Honoring Mothers (Jesus’ example)
- Otherness
- Recognition
- Priority
- Care
- Follow-through
Loving Radically (Our Calling)
- Radical love always comes from within a context of otherness.
- Radical love always perceives deeper needs and not just a common expression of care.
- Radical love never allows larger commitments to cancel your commitment to those closest to you.
- Radical love reinforces the bond of a spiritual relationship.
- Radical love always seeks to bear the burdens of others.
Questions for Further Discussion:
- What sort of sacrifices did your parents make for you?
- What to you is the most humiliating situation you can imagine?
- To where was Jesus forced to take His own cross? (John 19:17)
- What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (John 19:18)
- Who was crucified with Jesus? (John 19:18)
- What notice did Pilate have fastened to Jesus’ cross? (John 19:19)
- How did the chief priests want Pilate to change the sign over Jesus’ head? (John 19:21)
- What did Pilate tell the chief priests? (John 19:22)
- What happened to Jesus’ clothes? (John 19:23-24)
- Why were Jesus’ clothes divided among the soldiers? (John 19:24)
- Who stood near the cross of Jesus? (John 19:25)
- What did Jesus say to His mother and the disciple with her? (John 19:26-27)
- Why do you think Pilate had the notice placed on the cross?
- If you had been a member of Jesus’ family or one of His disciples, how do you think you would have reacted to His crucifixion?
- How was Jesus humiliated?
- What sort of humiliation did Jesus suffer?
- What humiliation have you suffered for being a Christian?
- How can we sacrifice our wants and desires so that others might benefit?
- In what way has God’s family become your family?
- To what degree are we responsible for caring for the needs of other believers?
- What want or desire can you sacrifice so that someone else might benefit? How?
- How can you care for another Christian’s needs this week?