THURSDAY, December 20
Today, I am honored to pass off the pen (the writing) to my daughter, Nichole.
A Weary World Rejoices
Today I invite you to remember the gospel. The simple, yet marvelous gospel that changes everything. Jesus, the King of the World, stepped out of heaven and into the discomforts of humanity. He came for us. He came to die so that we might live forever with Him. The routine of Christmas can often desensitize us to the wonder of Jesus taking on flesh to rescue us out of the pit of darkness.
Today, I invite you to be still just for a moment and consider the absolute miracle of Jesus. For all who wait and hunger, behold, your King is HERE! We are not waiting on the Messiah, He has already come! Emmanuel, He is with us.
Long before Jesus came, God promised that He would send His Son to save us. The people of God waited, and they waited, and they waited… and He came, just like He promised. The beautiful gospel of Jesus is for everyone. He came for the lowly shepherds. He came for the distinguished wise men. He came for the Jews, for the pagans, for the Thief. He came for the pilgrims and the colonists and the immigrants. He came for the neighbor that is too loud and the politician that you do not like. He came for every nation and tribe and tongue. Jehovah Nissi, Banner of Nations—He came for you and for me. He came to save us from the stronghold of sin! Jesus is coming back, just as He promised, and we belong to a people that have peace, hope, and joy beyond human understanding. Our King is here, and He is for us!
So come, and let us adore He who is always worthy of our minds’ attention and our hearts’ affection. Today, let us choose celebration in honor of the Prince of heaven—born in wonder and majesty.
Matthew 1:21; Romans 5:8; Isaiah 11:1-10