Our guest preacher this week was Seth Horrell, from Williamsburg, with a message from Psalm 34:1-8.
It is one thing to watch a cooking show on TV and quite another to be in the room where you can taste the food that has been prepared. Knowledge of food and recipes is one thing, but we want to taste it! Watching someone else taste the food is not satisfying, (unless you’re the chef).
The early church was not only known for what they believed, but what they did. Christianity is a faith filled with action words, verbs, which call us toward DOING, not just BELIEVING.
The greatest impact on the world comes when followers of Jesus actually decide to live like Christ.
While BELIEF is good, we must put faith into action and TRUST, much like sitting in a chair or crossing a bridge. Trust allows me to walk across the bridge or sit in the chair, trusting that it will not collapse.
Why is it so hard for us? It is easier to KNOW stuff than it is to act or practice Christianity.
Christians often prefer junk food over nutritious food. Don’t get drawn in to activities over connections with other people.
Sheep don’t get fed in the fold, the get fed in the field. Jesus said that my food is to do the will of my Father who sent me… so we also will find nourishment in doing the will of God, and this is often outside of the fold (the local church gathering) and into the field (the places of lostness all around us).
When we are hungry, is it not the desire of our hearts to taste and see?