(4 Ways Jesus Prepared His Followers to Be Sent Out)
John 13:1-38
- Jesus establishes the principle of selfless service for His followers (John 13:1-9).
- Intention – he got up, volitional action.
- Genuineness – development of a servant’s heart.
- Lifestyle – I get to do this rather than I have to do this.
- Jesus sets apart His followers from the world (John 13:10-17).
- I will do this and not wait for someone else to do it.
- Jesus sets an example which leads to an expectation.
- It comes from the heart, not just an activity for me to do.
- Jesus identifies the enemy of His Lordship (John 13:18-30).
- The enemy is Satan, but also selfishness.
- Selfishness grieves the Master’s heart
- Satan’s influence go against the Lordship of Christ.
- Selfishness will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than what you want to pay.
- Jesus calls His followers to a new command (John 13:31-38).
- We are to love one another.
- Love is the sign that we are followers of Jesus.
- How can we not be like Judas, with a calloused heart?
Questions for Further Study:
- What can you learn about a person from the way he or she dresses?
- How do people reveal their convictions through their life-style?
- What does it mean to love someone?
- What did Jesus say when Judas had gone? (John 13:31)
- What did God do through Jesus? (John 13:32)
- How much longer did Jesus say He would be with His disciples? (John 13:33)
- Why was Jesus saying farewell? (John 13:33)
- What was Jesus giving to His disciples? (John 13:34)
- What did Jesus command His disciples to do? (John 13:34)
- How did Jesus say people would know His disciples? (John 13:35)
- What question did Peter ask Jesus? (John 13:36)
- What did Jesus tell Peter? (John 13:36)
- What did Peter pledge to do? (John 13:37)
- What blunt statement did Jesus make about Peter? (John 13:38)
- How is God glorified by our behavior?
- What does it mean for you to love people as Jesus has loved them?
- What kind of love was Jesus talking about?
- How is love a sign that someone is a disciple of Christ?
- How do we deny Christ with our words or life-style?
- When and why are we tempted to deny Jesus?
- How does our denying Christ affect our relationship with Him as well as our relationships with
other Christians? - Who is someone you need to love as Christ has loved you? How?
- What can you do to stay loyal to Christ this week with either your words or your life-style?
- How can you show Christ’s love to others at your place of work, at home, or in your neighborhood?
- What steps can you take to become more loving to others?