Jesus Prepares His Followers

(4 Ways Jesus Prepared His Followers to Be Sent Out)
John 13:1-38

  1. Jesus establishes the principle of selfless service for His followers (John 13:1-9).
    1. Intention – he got up, volitional action.
    2. Genuineness – development of a servant’s heart.
    3. Lifestyle – I get to do this rather than I have to do this.
  2. Jesus sets apart His followers from the world (John 13:10-17).
    1. I will do this and not wait for someone else to do it.
    2. Jesus sets an example which leads to an expectation.
    3. It comes from the heart, not just an activity for me to do.
  3. Jesus identifies the enemy of His Lordship (John 13:18-30).
    1. The enemy is Satan, but also selfishness.
    2. Selfishness grieves the Master’s heart
    3. Satan’s influence go against the Lordship of Christ.
    4. Selfishness will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than what you want to pay.
  4. Jesus calls His followers to a new command (John 13:31-38).
    1. We are to love one another.
    2. Love is the sign that we are followers of Jesus.
    3. How can we not be like Judas, with a calloused heart?

Questions for Further Study:

  1. What can you learn about a person from the way he or she dresses?
  2. How do people reveal their convictions through their life-style?
  3. What does it mean to love someone?
  4. What did Jesus say when Judas had gone? (John 13:31)
  5. What did God do through Jesus? (John 13:32)
  6. How much longer did Jesus say He would be with His disciples? (John 13:33)
  7. Why was Jesus saying farewell? (John 13:33)
  8. What was Jesus giving to His disciples? (John 13:34)
  9. What did Jesus command His disciples to do? (John 13:34)
  10. How did Jesus say people would know His disciples? (John 13:35)
  11. What question did Peter ask Jesus? (John 13:36)
  12. What did Jesus tell Peter? (John 13:36)
  13. What did Peter pledge to do? (John 13:37)
  14. What blunt statement did Jesus make about Peter? (John 13:38)
  15. How is God glorified by our behavior?
  16. What does it mean for you to love people as Jesus has loved them?
  17. What kind of love was Jesus talking about?
  18. How is love a sign that someone is a disciple of Christ?
  19. How do we deny Christ with our words or life-style?
  20. When and why are we tempted to deny Jesus?
  21. How does our denying Christ affect our relationship with Him as well as our relationships with
    other Christians?
  22. Who is someone you need to love as Christ has loved you? How?
  23. What can you do to stay loyal to Christ this week with either your words or your life-style?
  24. How can you show Christ’s love to others at your place of work, at home, or in your neighborhood?
  25. What steps can you take to become more loving to others?
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