What is the Real Truth of Christianity?
John 5:18-47 reveals two responses to the volatile attacks against the truth of Jesus.
- The First Response: the Self-Disclosure of Christ (John 5:18-30)
- Jesus: the fulfillment of God’s Word, Work, and Will (John 5:19)
- Jesus: God’s Only Son (John 5:20)
- Jesus: the Only Source of Life (John 5:21)
- Jesus: the Highest Place of Honor (John 5:22-23)
- Jesus: God’s truth and the Object of Our faith (John 5:24)
- Jesus: Relevance for every life (John 5:25-27)
- Jesus: The One Who Holds Eternal Life (John 5:28-30)
- The Second Response: The Testimonies of Heaven and History (5:31-47)
- God testifies (John 5:32, 37).
- John the Baptist Testifies (John 5:33-35).
- The Works of Christ Testify (John 5:36).
- The Scriptures Testify (John 5:38-40).
Questions for Further Study:
- What different groups of people have suffered persecution throughout history?
- What are some of the positive aspects of your relationship with your parents?
- Why did the Jews persecute Jesus? (John 5:16)
- Whose work did Jesus do? (John 5:17)
- Why did certain Jews want to kill Jesus? (John 5:18)
- What did Jesus say that the Son could do? (John 5:19)
- What did Jesus tell the Jews that He would show them? (John 5:20)
- What did Jesus say He was able to do? (John 5:21)
- To whom did God entrust all judgment? (John 5:22)
- Why did God entrust judgment to Christ? (John 5:23)
- How did Jesus say a person can gain eternal life? (John 5:24)
- What time did Jesus say had already come? (John 5:25)
- What did Jesus say the Father has in Himself that He has granted to the Son? (John 5:26)
- What time did Jesus say was coming? (John 5:28-29)
- Whom did Jesus say He desires to please? (John 5:30)
- In what way does the world persecute Christians today?
- How have you been persecuted as a believer?
- When have you experienced pressure not to practice or share your faith in Christ?
- Why does the world persecute Christians?
- How can we honor the Son and the Father with our lives?
- How can we know for sure that we have eternal life?
- Why should we feel secure in our relationship with God?
- How should we prepare ourselves for Jesus’ judgment?
- In what way are we like Jesus with respect to our relationship with God the Father?
- In what way is Jesus an example for us to follow?
- What steps can you take this week to enjoy more fully your relationship with your Heavenly Father?
- What can you do today to bring honor to God?
- How will you allow Jesus’ example in this passage of Scripture to influence your life this week?