Proven by Jesus

What is the Real Truth of Christianity?
John 5:18-47 reveals two responses to the volatile attacks against the truth of Jesus.

  1. The First Response: the Self-Disclosure of Christ (John 5:18-30)
    1. Jesus: the fulfillment of God’s Word, Work, and Will (John 5:19)
    2. Jesus: God’s Only Son (John 5:20)
    3. Jesus: the Only Source of Life (John 5:21)
    4. Jesus: the Highest Place of Honor (John 5:22-23)
    5. Jesus: God’s truth and the Object of Our faith (John 5:24)
    6. Jesus: Relevance for every life (John 5:25-27)
    7. Jesus: The One Who Holds Eternal Life (John 5:28-30)
  2. The Second Response: The Testimonies of Heaven and History (5:31-47)
    1. God testifies (John 5:32, 37).
    2. John the Baptist Testifies (John 5:33-35).
    3. The Works of Christ Testify (John 5:36).
    4. The Scriptures Testify (John 5:38-40).

Questions for Further Study:

  1. What different groups of people have suffered persecution throughout history?
  2. What are some of the positive aspects of your relationship with your parents?
  3. Why did the Jews persecute Jesus? (John 5:16)
  4. Whose work did Jesus do? (John 5:17)
  5. Why did certain Jews want to kill Jesus? (John 5:18)
  6. What did Jesus say that the Son could do? (John 5:19)
  7. What did Jesus tell the Jews that He would show them? (John 5:20)
  8. What did Jesus say He was able to do? (John 5:21)
  9. To whom did God entrust all judgment? (John 5:22)
  10. Why did God entrust judgment to Christ? (John 5:23)
  11. How did Jesus say a person can gain eternal life? (John 5:24)
  12. What time did Jesus say had already come? (John 5:25)
  13. What did Jesus say the Father has in Himself that He has granted to the Son? (John 5:26)
  14. What time did Jesus say was coming? (John 5:28-29)
  15. Whom did Jesus say He desires to please? (John 5:30)
  16. In what way does the world persecute Christians today?
  17. How have you been persecuted as a believer?
  18. When have you experienced pressure not to practice or share your faith in Christ?
  19. Why does the world persecute Christians?
  20. How can we honor the Son and the Father with our lives?
  21. How can we know for sure that we have eternal life?
  22. Why should we feel secure in our relationship with God?
  23. How should we prepare ourselves for Jesus’ judgment?
  24. In what way are we like Jesus with respect to our relationship with God the Father?
  25. In what way is Jesus an example for us to follow?
  26. What steps can you take this week to enjoy more fully your relationship with your Heavenly Father?
  27. What can you do today to bring honor to God?
  28. How will you allow Jesus’ example in this passage of Scripture to influence your life this week?
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